[Abstract]:Sexual evolution has always been one of the most controversial issues in evolutionary biology. According to Weisman, sexual reproduction enhances the efficiency of natural selection by increasing the genotype diversity of offspring. Scientists generally believe that groups that have sexual reproduction have long-term sexual advantages, so what is the impact of different environmental changes and the intensity of environmental change on the advantages of sexual reproduction? In this study, we compared the survival rates of (Tetrahymena thermophile) sexual and asexual progeny populations under different stress concentrations of three different stress factors. The results showed that when the environment was not changed, the survival rates of the sexual and asexual progenies of Tetretrahymena thermophilus were compared under different concentrations of three different stress factors. The survival rate of asexual population is higher than that of sexual population. When the environment changes, the survival rate of sexual population is higher than that of asexual population. In addition, the results showed that the survival advantage of sex populations with moderate stress intensity was the most significant. By comparing the survival rates of five different genotypic diversity sexual populations and asexual populations under different stress concentrations of three different stress factors, the results showed that the survival rate of asexual populations was higher than that of asexual populations when the environment was not changed, and the survival rate of asexual population was higher than that of asexual population under different stress concentrations of three different stress factors. When the environment changes, the survival rate of sexual population is higher than that of asexual population, and the survival rate of sexual population increases with the increase of genotype diversity. This indicates that sex has a short-term individual advantage in environmental change, and this advantage is most significant in moderate environmental changes, and one of the reasons for sexual superiority is that sex increases genotype diversity.
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