发布时间:2021-03-02 17:11
合理施用氮、磷、钾肥是促进棉花生长发育、提高棉花植株生理活性、提高棉花产量的关键措施。氮磷钾供应不足或配比不当往往会降低棉花植株生理活性和抗氧化酶系统(超氧化物歧化酶,过氧化氢酶和过氧化物酶)活性显著降低,使细胞膨压和水分失衡,叶片可溶性蛋白含量含量下降,物质转运受到影响,造成棉花生长发育受阻,导致减产。与磷钾相比,在氮肥对Bt转基因棉花作用效应方面的研究更为广泛。施氮量不足会导致棉花无法获得足够的氮营养,棉株光合作用、干物质积累、棉铃生长和棉纤维发育受抑。施氮量过高,氮肥利用率降低,氮氧化物挥发增加,造成由NO3-引起的地下水污染环境问题,同时氮肥增产效应也显著降低。近年来,因为氮肥价格的升高和对温室气体排放的关注,氮肥利用率受到越来越广泛的重视。与此同时,磷肥和钾肥的施用也越来越受到重视。因此,研究如何合理配施氮磷钾肥对促进棉花生长发育、提高生理活性和棉花产量具有重要的实践意义。本研究于2016年和2017年在扬州大学试验农场(32.90N,119.41 0E)进行,旨在研究氮磷钾配比对不同基因型棉花品种(泗杂1号和其亲本泗抗1号)棉铃对位叶生理活性和棉铃发育的影响。试验设两个试验...
【文章页数】:99 页
Chapter 1. General introduction
0. Importance of Bt cotton
1. Overview for transgenic cotton
2. Introduction of Bt cotton growth and developmen
3. Nitrogen application effect on Bt cotton growth and yield
4. Phosphorous application effect on Bt cotton growth and yield
5. Potassium application effect on cotton growth and yield
6. Research objectives
Chaopter 2. Response of leaf characteristics of Bt cotton plants to ratio of nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium
1. Introduction
2. Materials and methods
2.1 Observations and measurements
2.1.1 Leaf physiological parameters
2.1.2 Soluble protein
2.1.3 Soluble sugar
2.1.4 Chlorophyll content
2.2 Biomass determination
2.3 Yield determination
2.3.1 Statistical analysis
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion
Chapter 3. Response of leaf enzymatic activity of Bt cotton to ratio of nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium
1. Introduction
2. Martials and methods
2.1 Sample prearations
2.1.1 Leaf physiological parameters
2.1.2 Determination of superoxide dismutase(SOD), catalase (CAT), and peroxidase (POD)
2.1.3 Statistical analysis
3. Results
4. Discussions
5. Conclusion
Chapter 4. Response of boll development of cotton genotypes to nutrients application
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1 Observations and measurements
2.1.1 Plant growth parameters Boll development Boll tagging
(1) Sampling date Measurements
(ⅰ) Boll growth parameters
a) Volume and fresh boll weight
b) Dry boll weight
(ⅱ) Yield and yield component Statistical analysis
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion
Chapter 5. Response of biomass production and seed enzymatic activity under the differentcombine ratios of N, P, and K
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1 Preparation of plant sampling
2.1.1 Boll tagging Sampling date
(ⅰ) Physiological parameters
a) Soluble seed protein
b) Soluble sugars
c) Superoxide dismutase
(ⅱ) Biomass determination
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion
Chapter 6. General discussion
1. General discussion
1.1 Research finding of the thesis
1.1.1 Vegetative and reproductive growth
1.1.2 Response of physiological activity to ratios of N, P and K
1.1.3 Response of enzymes activity to nutrients application
2. Future prospects
The Journal Publications during my master studying period:
The publications that I co-authored during my master study period
[1]种植密度对东北特早熟棉区棉花生物量和氮素累积的影响[J]. 王子胜,吴晓东,郭文琦,徐敏,那艳斌,张雷,周治国. 棉花学报. 2012(01)
[2]黄河三角洲盐渍土棉花施用氮、磷、钾肥的效应研究[J]. 辛承松,董合忠,罗振,唐薇,张冬梅,李维江,孔祥强. 作物学报. 2010(10)
[3]施氮量对杂交棉干物质积累、分配和氮磷钾吸收、分配与利用的影响[J]. 李伶俐,房卫平,谢德意,马宗斌,杜远仿,张东林. 棉花学报. 2010(04)
[4]膜下滴灌棉花水氮耦合对其干物质和水分利用效率的影响[J]. 王海江,崔静,侯振安,谢海霞,龚江,吕新. 西北农业学报. 2010(03)
[5]棉铃对位叶氮浓度与纤维品质指标的关系[J]. 马溶慧,周治国,王友华,冯营,孟亚利. 中国农业科学. 2009(03)
[6]不同氮素水平对棉花不同部位—铃叶系统生理特性及铃重空间分布的影响[J]. 孙红春,冯丽肖,谢志霞,李存东,李金才. 中国农业科学. 2007(08)
[7]转双价基因抗虫棉及其杂交F1代对棉铃虫幼虫的抗性研究[J]. 吕凯,魏凤娟,林毅,蔡永萍. 生物学杂志. 2006(04)
[8]氮肥与缩节胺配合对Bt棉源库特征和铃重的影响[J]. 陈德华,陈源,杨长琴,何钟佩,吴云康. 棉花学报. 2002(03)
[9]转Bt基因棉中棉所30不同开花期棉铃发育及产量构成因素的研究[J]. 田晓莉,何钟佩,王保民. 棉花学报. 2000(06)
【文章页数】:99 页
Chapter 1. General introduction
0. Importance of Bt cotton
1. Overview for transgenic cotton
2. Introduction of Bt cotton growth and developmen
3. Nitrogen application effect on Bt cotton growth and yield
4. Phosphorous application effect on Bt cotton growth and yield
5. Potassium application effect on cotton growth and yield
6. Research objectives
Chaopter 2. Response of leaf characteristics of Bt cotton plants to ratio of nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium
1. Introduction
2. Materials and methods
2.1 Observations and measurements
2.1.1 Leaf physiological parameters
2.1.2 Soluble protein
2.1.3 Soluble sugar
2.1.4 Chlorophyll content
2.2 Biomass determination
2.3 Yield determination
2.3.1 Statistical analysis
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion
Chapter 3. Response of leaf enzymatic activity of Bt cotton to ratio of nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium
1. Introduction
2. Martials and methods
2.1 Sample prearations
2.1.1 Leaf physiological parameters
2.1.2 Determination of superoxide dismutase(SOD), catalase (CAT), and peroxidase (POD)
2.1.3 Statistical analysis
3. Results
4. Discussions
5. Conclusion
Chapter 4. Response of boll development of cotton genotypes to nutrients application
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1 Observations and measurements
2.1.1 Plant growth parameters Boll development Boll tagging
(1) Sampling date Measurements
(ⅰ) Boll growth parameters
a) Volume and fresh boll weight
b) Dry boll weight
(ⅱ) Yield and yield component Statistical analysis
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion
Chapter 5. Response of biomass production and seed enzymatic activity under the differentcombine ratios of N, P, and K
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1 Preparation of plant sampling
2.1.1 Boll tagging Sampling date
(ⅰ) Physiological parameters
a) Soluble seed protein
b) Soluble sugars
c) Superoxide dismutase
(ⅱ) Biomass determination
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion
Chapter 6. General discussion
1. General discussion
1.1 Research finding of the thesis
1.1.1 Vegetative and reproductive growth
1.1.2 Response of physiological activity to ratios of N, P and K
1.1.3 Response of enzymes activity to nutrients application
2. Future prospects
The Journal Publications during my master studying period:
The publications that I co-authored during my master study period
[1]种植密度对东北特早熟棉区棉花生物量和氮素累积的影响[J]. 王子胜,吴晓东,郭文琦,徐敏,那艳斌,张雷,周治国. 棉花学报. 2012(01)
[2]黄河三角洲盐渍土棉花施用氮、磷、钾肥的效应研究[J]. 辛承松,董合忠,罗振,唐薇,张冬梅,李维江,孔祥强. 作物学报. 2010(10)
[3]施氮量对杂交棉干物质积累、分配和氮磷钾吸收、分配与利用的影响[J]. 李伶俐,房卫平,谢德意,马宗斌,杜远仿,张东林. 棉花学报. 2010(04)
[4]膜下滴灌棉花水氮耦合对其干物质和水分利用效率的影响[J]. 王海江,崔静,侯振安,谢海霞,龚江,吕新. 西北农业学报. 2010(03)
[5]棉铃对位叶氮浓度与纤维品质指标的关系[J]. 马溶慧,周治国,王友华,冯营,孟亚利. 中国农业科学. 2009(03)
[6]不同氮素水平对棉花不同部位—铃叶系统生理特性及铃重空间分布的影响[J]. 孙红春,冯丽肖,谢志霞,李存东,李金才. 中国农业科学. 2007(08)
[7]转双价基因抗虫棉及其杂交F1代对棉铃虫幼虫的抗性研究[J]. 吕凯,魏凤娟,林毅,蔡永萍. 生物学杂志. 2006(04)
[8]氮肥与缩节胺配合对Bt棉源库特征和铃重的影响[J]. 陈德华,陈源,杨长琴,何钟佩,吴云康. 棉花学报. 2002(03)
[9]转Bt基因棉中棉所30不同开花期棉铃发育及产量构成因素的研究[J]. 田晓莉,何钟佩,王保民. 棉花学报. 2000(06)