[Abstract]:The scientific definition of mountain area and its type is the basis of understanding mountain area and promoting sustainable development of mountain area according to local conditions, which can provide basis for classification development and classification strategy of mountain area. In this paper, the mean value variation point method is used to determine the size of sliding window, and the spatial analysis tool is used to process the SRTM to obtain the mountain slope and fluctuation, and the spatial range and scale of various mountain areas in Guizhou and Guangxi karst are extracted. On the basis of this, the types of karst mountain areas in Guizhou and Guangxi are classified at county level. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the logarithmic curve inflection point of the moving window area fitting to the mean relief degree is determined by means of the mean variable point method. The best statistical unit of topographic fluctuation in Guizhou and Guangxi karst mountain areas is the moving window area of 6.50 km~2. (2) the ratio of mountainous and non-mountainous areas is about 89: 11, and the spatial differentiation of mountainous provinces is obvious. The karst mountains in Guizhou are mainly Zhongshan, middle and low mountains, accounting for 57% of the Guizhou part, while the karst mountain areas in Guangxi are mainly hilly areas, accounting for 5910% of the Guangxi part. (3) the karst mountain areas in Guizhou and Guangxi are all mountain districts and counties. Among them, 18 pure hilly counties, 10 half-mountain counties, 15 quasi-mountain counties, 21 Xianshan district counties, 32 whole mountain counties. There are many counties in the whole mountain area, most of them are located in the Wumeng Mountain area and the Guizhou and Guangxi mountain areas, and most of them are the key counties of the national poverty alleviation and development work.
【作者单位】: 贵州师范大学地理与环境科学学院;中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所;
【基金】:国家重点基础研究发展计划“973”项目(2015CB452706) 国家自然科学基金项目(41361021) 贵州省科学技术基金项目(QJLKS[2013]17)
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