本文关键词: 水工材料 塑性混凝土 云南红黏土 力学性能 渗透系数 出处:《水力发电学报》2016年08期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:本文研究结合云南红土地区,采用3个系列15组配合比,通过进行塑性混凝土抗压强度、劈裂抗拉强度、抗折强度、弹性模量及渗透系数试验,对比研究红黏土及水泥掺量对塑性混凝土性能的影响。3个系列对应的水泥掺量分别为120 kg/m3、150 kg/m3和180 kg/m3,每个系列下的5组红黏土掺量分别为0 kg/m3、50 kg/m3、100kg/m3、150 kg/m3和200 kg/m3。试验结果表明:当水泥掺量相同时,随着红黏土掺量从0 kg/m3增加至200 kg/m3,N1、N2、N3系列塑性混凝土弹性模量分别降低了45.3%、23.0%和14.6%,渗透系数分别降低了57.8%、56.6%和78.1%,均呈显著下降,28 d抗压强度、28 d劈裂抗拉强度和28 d抗折强度亦呈不同程度下降;当红黏土掺量相同时,随着水泥掺量从120 kg/m3增加至180 kg/m3,不同系列塑性混凝土弹性模量分别增加了107.6%、116.7%、149.2%、184.8%和224.5%,28 d抗压强度、28 d劈裂抗拉强度和28 d抗折强度强度增幅均超过30%,上升显著。其中,当水泥掺量超过150 kg/m3时,28 d抗压强度、28 d劈裂抗拉强度和28 d抗折强度增幅变大,弹性模量增幅明显变小,渗透系数降幅明显变大。研究发现,当水泥掺量在150~180 kg/m3,红黏土掺量在150~200 kg/m3范围内,塑性混凝土性能最优。研究成果对塑性混凝土在云南红土地区水利工程中应用,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。
[Abstract]:In this paper, combined with Yunnan laterite area, three series of 15 groups of mixing ratio were used to test the compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, flexural strength, elastic modulus and permeability coefficient of plastic concrete. The effects of red clay and cement content on the properties of plastic concrete were compared. The corresponding cement contents of the three series were 120 kg / m ~ (3) kg/m3 and 180 kg / m ~ (3) respectively, and the 5 groups of red clay in each series were 0 kg / m ~ (3), 50 kg / m ~ (3), 100 kg / m ~ (3) 150 kg/m3 and 200 kg / m ~ (3), respectively. The results show that when the cement content is the same, With the increase of the amount of red clay from 0 kg/m3 to 200 kg / kg, the elastic modulus of the plastic concrete decreased by 45.3% and 14.6%, respectively, and the permeability coefficient decreased by 57.8% and 78.1%, respectively. The compressive strength of 28 days and the tensile strength of 28 days were significantly decreased. The flexural strength also decreased in varying degrees. When the amount of red clay is the same, With the increase of cement content from 120 kg/m3 to 180 kg / m 3, the elastic modulus of different series of plastic concrete increased by 107.66% and 149.2%, respectively, and the compressive strength at 28 d and the tensile strength at 28 d and the flexural strength at 28 d increased significantly, respectively. When the cement content exceeds 150 kg/m3, the compressive strength of 28 days and splitting tensile strength of 28 days and flexural strength of 28 days become larger, the increase of elastic modulus is obviously smaller, and the decrease of permeability coefficient is obvious. When the content of cement is 150 ~ 180kg / m ~ 3 and the amount of red clay is 150 ~ 200 kg/m3, the performance of plastic concrete is the best. The research results have important theoretical significance and application value for the application of plastic concrete in water conservancy projects in Yunnan laterite area.
【作者单位】: 昆明理工大学现代农业工程学院;
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