发布时间:2018-06-11 18:57
本文选题:生态需水 + 适宜生态流量 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:淮河流域河网复杂,水系众多,流域内的河流水系在生态环境保护和经济社会发展中发挥着重要的作用,但淮河水资源开发利用率高,面临着严重的水资源短缺、水环境污染问题,直接危及水生态安全及河流健康。从可持续发展的角度,需要为河流生态系统预留充足的流量,但该流量具体应取多大是目前研究的热点,并且如何通过现有条件来保障河流生态需水也是一个关键的问题。因此,本文在淮河典型河流水域开展生态需水及保障机制研究很有必要。 本文在总结国内外河流生态需水计算方法及其适用范围的基础上,选取合适的计算方法在淮河流域典型河流水域开展了生态需水研究,并依据计算结果及淮河流域面临的生态问题和经济社会发展趋势,构建了淮河流域生态需水保障机制。主要研究内容包括: (1)淮河流域及典型河流水域资料的收集、整理。共收集了蚌埠水文站以上17个典型河流断面1956-2008年的月流量资料,采用累积距平法与线性倾向估计法,对典型河流断面流量的年际变化进行了分析;结合《1997-2011年淮河水资源公报》、《淮河流域水生态分区及生态保护与修复对策》等报告,对淮河流域水生态、水环境及经济情况进行了分析。 (2)河流生态需水计算方法分析。总结国内外常用的河流生态需水计算方法及其适用范围,并对这些方法进行对比分析。结合淮河流域河流特点,选取水力半径法、Tennant法、7Q10法等作为淮河流域的河流生态需水计算方法。 (3)淮河典型河流生态需水研究。以淮河流域蚌埠水文站以上区域为研究区域,利用水力半径法、Tennant法及7Q10法对17个典型河流断面的适宜生态流量、最小生态流量及自净流量进行了计算,并采用月(年)保证率设定法及鱼类最小生存水位对不同方法的计算结果进行了验证,表明计算结果比较合理。 (4)构建了淮河流域河流生态需水保障机制。基于水资源保障机制与生态环境保障机制的内容,结合淮河流域水生态问题,构建了包含河流生态需水管理制度、储备机制、预警安全机制、生态补偿机制等内容的生态需水保障机制,并针对淮河流域提出了改进方法。 (5)“河流生态需水计算软件”开发。在河流生态需水计算方法的研究基础上,采用MS Visual Basic6.0作为开发工具,面向对象,开发河流生态需水计算软件,并在研究区进行应用,,为河流生态需水研究提供技术支撑。
[Abstract]:The river network in the Huaihe River basin is complex and the river system is numerous. The river system in the basin plays an important role in the ecological environment protection and economic and social development. However, the exploitation and utilization of water resources in the Huaihe River is high, and it is faced with serious water resources shortage. The pollution of water environment directly endangers water ecological safety and river health. From the point of view of sustainable development, it is necessary to reserve sufficient discharge for the river ecosystem, but how much of the flow should be taken as the focus of current research, and how to ensure the river ecological water demand through the existing conditions is also a key issue. Therefore, it is necessary to study the ecological water demand and guarantee mechanism in the typical river area of Huaihe River. The ecological water demand research was carried out in the typical river area of the Huaihe River Basin by selecting the appropriate calculation method. Based on the results of the calculation and the ecological problems and economic and social development trend of the Huaihe River Basin, the ecological water demand guarantee mechanism of the Huaihe River Basin was constructed. The main research contents include: 1) data collection and collation of Huaihe River Basin and typical river waters. The monthly discharge data of 17 typical river sections above Bengbu Hydrological Station from 1956 to 2008 were collected and the interannual variation of the cross section discharge of typical rivers was analyzed by using the cumulative anomaly method and the linear tendency estimation method. Based on the report of "Huaihe River Water Resources Bulletin 1997-2011" and "Huaihe River Basin Water Ecological zonation and Ecological Protection and Restoration measures", the water ecology, water environment and economic situation of Huaihe River Basin are analyzed. 2) the calculation method of river ecological water demand is analyzed. This paper summarizes the commonly used calculation methods of river ecological water demand and their applicable scope at home and abroad, and makes a comparative analysis of these methods. According to the river characteristics of Huaihe River Basin, the hydraulic radius method Tennant method and 7Q10 method are selected as the calculation methods of the river ecological water demand in the Huaihe River Basin. (3) the study on the ecological water requirement of the typical river of the Huaihe River. Taking the area above Bengbu hydrologic station in Huaihe River Basin as the study area, the suitable ecological discharge, minimum ecological discharge and self-net flow of 17 typical river sections were calculated by using the hydraulic radius method Tennant method and 7Q10 method. The calculation results of different methods are verified by the method of monthly (annual) guarantee rate and the minimum survival water level of fish. The results show that the calculation results are reasonable. Based on the contents of water resources guarantee mechanism and ecological environment guarantee mechanism, combined with the water ecological problems in Huaihe River Basin, this paper constructs a river ecological water demand management system, a reserve mechanism and an early warning security mechanism. The ecological water demand guarantee mechanism of ecological compensation mechanism and the improved method for Huaihe river basin are put forward. 5) the development of "river ecological water demand calculation software". Based on the research of river ecological water demand calculation method, using MS Visual basic 6.0 as the development tool, object-oriented, the river ecological water demand calculation software is developed and applied in the research area, which provides technical support for the river ecological water demand research.
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