[Abstract]:With the development of global economy and the deterioration of environment, the demand for clean energy is increasing day by day. As one of the main sources of clean electricity, the country has gradually increased its investment in water conservancy projects. With the rapid development of water conservancy projects, higher requirements have been put forward for project management of water conservancy projects. In the practice of project management of earth-rock dams, the construction schedule management is closely related to the economic benefits of the projects and the safety of the project in flood season. It is one of the core indexes of earth-rock dam project management. As the complexity of water conservancy projects increases and the environment becomes worse, Party A puts forward higher requirements for the duration, quality and ecology of the project. The traditional project management method based on drawing and experience can not meet the requirements of project construction. The emergence and development of BIM technology provide a new method for the progress management of earth-rock dam project. This paper aims to analyze the feasibility and applicability of BIM technology in the construction schedule management of earth-rock dam projects by studying the current situation of construction schedule management of earth-rock dams, and to put forward the construction method of BIM model of earth-rock dam construction based on BIM. The construction schedule management framework of earth-rock dam based on BIM is established in order to improve the efficiency of construction schedule management and the overall management level of earth-rock dam project. The main work of this paper is as follows: firstly, the paper analyzes the problems existing in the construction schedule management of earth-rock dam under the traditional management concept, combining the advantages of BIM technology, from the technical, economic, The applicability of BIM technology in the construction schedule management of earth-rock dam is analyzed from three aspects of environment. Secondly, based on the idea of project management based on BIM technology, the research on construction schedule management of earth-rock dam based on BIM is carried out. In this paper, the author chooses the BIM software of Autodesk Company, such as Civil 3DX / Civil / Revitator, to establish the BIM model of earth-rock dam construction, and link the 3D model of earth-rock dam with Project construction schedule plan on Navisworks platform, establish the BIM model of earth-rock dam construction, and finish the visualization simulation of earth-rock dam construction. The construction schedule dynamic management of earth-rock dam based on BIM is realized, the construction BIM model of earth-rock dam based on Autodesk platform is proposed, and the construction schedule management framework of earth-rock dam based on BIM is established. Finally, the feasibility and applicability of the research results are verified by a practical case study of earth-rock dam. Through the case study of a asphalt concrete core rockfill dam project in Sichuan Province, it is further verified that the research results can be applied to the construction of BIM model of earth-rock dam construction and the construction schedule management of earth-rock dam based on BIM. It has certain application value and practical significance to the earth-rock dam project management based on BIM.
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