[Abstract]:Polymer impervious wall is a new anti-seepage and reinforcement technology that needs to be researched and developed for danger removal and reinforcement of earthen dikes and dams. It has the advantages of fast, light, high toughness, durability, minimally invasive, environmental protection, etc., and is gradually being applied in large scale to earth dikes and dams for danger removal and reinforcement. It has good social, economic and environmental benefits, and has great application value. In this paper, the dynamic characteristics and seismic performance of the blind area and the application and extension of the new technique are studied. Based on laboratory test, model test, numerical simulation, theoretical analysis and so on, the seismic response characteristics and seismic performance of polymer impervious wall earth dike are studied in this paper. The main work is as follows: (1) the dynamic properties of polymer grouting materials are studied by means of piezoelectric ceramic bending element test technique. The key problem affecting the accurate measurement of shear wave velocity of polymer grouting materials is solved. The dynamic shear wave velocity and dynamic shear modulus of polymer grouting materials with different densities are obtained. The method of determining the dynamic shear modulus of polymer impervious walls in engineering is presented. The dynamic and static modulus of elasticity are analyzed, and the quadratic polynomial function between them is given. The correlation between polymer grouting material and dynamic modulus of damming clay is discussed. (2) the dynamic centrifugation test method of impervious wall earth dike with prototype material is studied. The similarity relation of non-equal stress model of impervious wall earth dike is designed. Based on the single factor variance analysis of statistics, the polymer impervious wall model for dynamic centrifugation test was designed. Based on the principle of geotechnical centrifugal model test, the special particulate concrete for dynamic centrifugal model was designed. Two groups of cutoff wall physics were tested, The mechanical properties all meet the requirements of dynamic centrifugation test. (3) based on the results of dynamic centrifugal test, the seismic response characteristics of polymer impermeable wall earth dike and concrete impervious wall earth dike under the action of hypergravity and earthquake are studied. Based on the analysis of seismic response characteristics of two groups of wall walls, such as dynamic stress, acceleration of dam body, settlement of dam top, excess pore water pressure of dam body and increment of dynamic earth pressure, the similarities and differences of seismic response of two groups of walls and dam body are studied emphatically. The failure phenomenon of concrete impervious wall is observed in the experiment, and the unfavorable seismic position of the traditional impervious wall earth dike is found. (4) the seismic behavior of polymer impervious wall earth dike is studied. By using ABAQUS finite element software and the dynamic characteristics of polymer grouting material obtained by bending element test, a three-dimensional numerical model of polymer impervious wall earth dike based on viscoelastic artificial boundary seismic wave input method and considering soil viscoelasticity is established. The correctness and rationality of the model are verified by the experimental results. The seismic response characteristics of polymer impervious wall and its earth dike are obtained. The calculated results show that the seismic behavior and related mechanism of polymer impervious wall earth dike are clear. (5) the density optimization design of multiobjective function of polymer impervious wall under earthquake action is carried out. The concept of safety factor for seismic performance of polymer impervious wall is proposed. The multi-objective optimization method based on graphic method is applied to the optimum design of polymer impervious wall. With the aim of good seismic performance and low engineering cost of polymer impervious wall under earthquake, an optimization model of seismic safety and economy of polymer impervious wall is established, and the optimum design of material density of polymer impervious wall is carried out. This paper provides a simple and intuitive method for optimizing the density of polymer impervious wall under seismic action.
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