[Abstract]:In addition to that neutron, the fusion core release a large amount of high-energy gamma at the same time, and the energy spectrum of the fusion core can reflect the key physical parameters of the fusion process and provide important information for the process diagnosis. Because of the time and energy characteristics of fusion gamma, it is necessary to design a gamma spectrometer with high detection efficiency and energy resolution. According to the concept design of high-energy gamma-ray spectrometer, the key links such as gamma-electron conversion target, electron-deflection convergence and electronic detection in the system are optimized to improve the system's detection efficiency and energy resolution. In this paper, the influence of Compton scattering and multiple coulomb scattering on the energy spectrum and angular distribution of the emitted electrons from the target is studied by using the Monte-Carlo program, Geant4. A parallel genetic algorithm was developed to optimize the complex geometric deflection magnetic field parameters to obtain a complex boundary deflection magnetic field with a low intensity (less than 100 Gauss). According to the system optimization design results, the response of the system to different energy gamma is simulated by using the Geant4. in addition, the system can also simulate the measurement of the characteristic fusion gamma energy spectrum of the system, and the result shows that the system can be under the condition that the yield of the fusion neutrons is 2.5-10-(15) and 1.2-10-(16), The energy resolution of 10-20 MeV high-energy gamma energy spectrum was measured to satisfy the energy resolution of 0.5 MeV (less than 5%) and 0.25 MeV (less than 2.5%), and the system can be used in the diagnosis of the gamma energy spectrum of fusion process.
【作者单位】: 中国工程物理研究院北京应用物理与计算数学研究所;中国工程物理研究院激光聚变研究中心;
【基金】:中国博士后科学基金(批准号:2015M581028) 国家自然基金(批准号:11675021,11505166) 中国工程物理研究院科学技术发展基金(批准号:2014A0402016)资助的课题~~
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