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发布时间:2018-02-27 23:02

  本文关键词: 分配格 完全完备分配格 标准特征向量 一般特征向量 特征值 出处:《内蒙古工业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:From the system structure of mathematics, the object of mathematical research is divided into three basic structures: order, algebra and topology. Lattice is an important structure of order and algebra, which is closely related to modern mathematics, such as fuzzy mathematics, topology and so on; From the concept of lattice appearing in various fields of mathematics, we can see that lattice is very important for the connection and application of mathematics and other branches, in the fields of computer science, secrecy, graph theory, functional analysis and switch theory, etc. Distribution lattice is a very important lattice in lattice theory, and matrix is an important tool in mathematical research and mathematical application, so doing research on distributive lattice matrix is a hot topic in lattice theory research. It is widely used in computer theory, category theory, topological algebra and fuzzy mathematics. The article is divided into three parts: the first part introduces the research background, the research history, the present research situation, and the innovation; Some definitions, properties and Lemma used in this paper are given, including the definition of lattice, lattice law, operation and properties of lattice matrix in the lattice theory part, the associated digraph, path, precycle and other related knowledge in graph theory. The part of power sequence has power sequence, and the definition of the reduction element and the decomposition theorem of the irreducible element, the complete complete distributive lattice part has pseudo complement, The definition and Lemma of complete Distributive Lattice. In the second part, we introduce two methods to solve the standard eigenvector of matrix on distributive lattice. The first method is to solve the standard eigenvector of matrix on distributive lattice by using the knowledge of graph theory. The second method is to use generalized sequences to solve the standard eigenvector of matrices on distributive lattices. Then, the method of solving the general eigenvector of symmetric matrix on distributive lattice is discussed. Secondly, the algebraic structure and calculation method of all standard eigenvector of distributive lattice matrix are discussed. This paper first introduces the decomposition theorem of matrices on distributive lattices, points out that matrices on distributive lattices can have paratactic factorization similar to elements in a lattice, and then gives the calculation formulas of all standard eigenvectors of matrices on distributive lattices by using matrix power sequence. In order to solve the standard eigenvector, In the third part, the solution and properties of the eigenvector of the matrix on the complete complete distributive lattice are introduced. The formula of the maximum eigenvector of the matrix on the complete complete distributive lattice is obtained by using pseudo resupply. An example is given to illustrate how to use the formula to solve the maximum eigenvector, it is proved that the eigenvalues corresponding to the eigenvector of the matrix on the complete complete distribution lattice form an interval, and the expression of the end point of the interval is given. It is pointed out that if the eigenvector has a unique eigenvalue, the range of the eigenvalue can be satisfied.


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