本文选题:无约束最优化 切入点:无导数方法 出处:《河北大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The pattern search algorithm belongs to the category of non-derivative optimization in the field of optimization. It is designed to use only the information of function value for the purpose function of optimization problem without derivative information can be used.The characteristic of pattern search algorithm is intuitive and concise, which is the priority algorithm when other optimization algorithms fail.Its shortcoming is that the algorithm design only uses the function value information of the objective function, but cannot use the effective function curvature information, which results in the slow running efficiency of most similar algorithms.In order to obtain faster convergence speed and better numerical results for pattern search algorithm, based on classical pattern search and subspace technique, a parameter M is introduced in this paper.Make full use of the descent information near the current iteration point.Make the algorithm make use of the local information as much as possible.In order to get a better solution, we do M step search at most.We have tested different numerical values, and the experimental data show that the algorithm is the best when M? 2 is used.The second part of this paper is to extend the above method to the simple bounded constrained optimization problem. In the same way, by using the subspace search technique, an improved derivative free optimization algorithm is proposed.In particular, the algorithm does not search fully in the same direction, but when the algorithm searches for two different descent directions at the current iteration point, the two directions are combined to form a search subspace.Then search in the compound direction using techniques such as extension compression.Finally, a large number of numerical experiments are carried out according to the algorithm, and the results show that the improved algorithm has high computational efficiency.
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