本文选题:黑洞 + 微扰 ; 参考:《浙江工业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:This paper is divided into five chapters: chapter 1, we introduce the concept of black hole perturbation and its development. In chapter 2, we first introduce the singularities and solutions of Fuchs type equations where all singularities are regular singularities. Singularities can be divided into removable singularities, poles and natural singularities. Regular singularities are only a special case of poles. Secondly, we discuss the solutions of special differential equations such as Heun equation and confluence Heun equation. When the initial conditions are given, the coefficients of the series solution satisfy a recurrence relation between three terms, which can always be regarded as an expansion of a tridiagonal determinant. Therefore, we discuss the characteristics of tridiagonal determinant and the solution of the equation with tridiagonal determinant zero. In chapter 3, we discuss the Newman-Penrose form of the dynamical equation of spin field, give the definition of cursor-like frame, and obtain the equation of spin coefficient and the equation of field. The Newman-Penrose form is used to study the field equation of general spherically symmetric spacetime. The field equation is divided into radial part and angular part. The solution of angular part is spin weighted spherical harmonic function. According to the singularity, the radial equation can be divided into different cases. We transform the radial equation into some special differential equations, such as the hypergeometric equation Heun equation and the confluence Heun equation, and discuss its solution. In chapter 4, we study the field equations in three special spatiotemporal backgrounds. Because the conformal gravitational field may be of great significance to the study of renormalization, dark matter and cosmic constants, we have studied the field equation of spherical symmetric spacetime in conformal gravity, converted it into Heun equation and discussed its solution. In addition, we study the field equations in Kerr-Newman spacetime and Grumiller spacetime respectively. We have obtained that the radial equation in these two space-time can also be transformed into Heun equation. Chapter five, summary and prospect. Finally, in the appendix, we give the Strum theorem, which can be used to classify the event horizon and obtain the specific limiting conditions.
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