本文选题:耦合网络 + 疾病传播 ; 参考:《上海大学》2016年博士论文
[Abstract]:Infectious diseases not only cause harm to the human body, but also bring disaster to the community, the country and the world. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the transmission mechanism of infectious diseases and the corresponding prevention and control measures. The rise of the subject of complex networks has injected new vitality into the dynamics of infectious disease dynamics. Because many networks in the real world are interacting and interacting with each other. When we study the spread of the diseases on these networks, we can not study the single network in isolation and ignore the interconnections and functions between the networks. The network which can reflect the interaction between these networks is the coupling network. The following contents are as follows: 1. consider the spread of disease on a one-way coupled network containing two subnets. Many zoonosis has the characteristics of animal infectious but non infectious animals. In view of this, we propose a new type of coupling network, one way coupling network. The disease propagation model is established by means of mean field method. The global stability of the disease-free equilibrium point and the endemic equilibrium point of the model is proved. Through the method of regenerative matrix, we find out the exact expression of the basic regeneration number of the model, and find that the basic regeneration number R0 of the whole network is the maximum value of the basic regeneration number of the two subnet, which is independent of the cross transmission rate and cross contact mode. In a unidirectional coupling network, the cross transmission rate between subnets does not have any effect on the spread threshold of the disease. This is a very meaningful conclusion, because previous studies on the coupling network have shown that the spread threshold of the disease is related to all the rates of transmission. In order to eliminate these zoonotic infectious diseases in humans, we must eliminate them at the same time in animals, and the transmission rate of poultry to birds has a greater impact on the final average density of human infection than the rate of transmission of birds to humans, which is contrary to people's intuition, R0. Generally, people intuitively think that avian infection has a greater impact on human beings..2. studies the spread of diseases on the network of three maps. Many vectors are transmitted among three species of humans, media and animals. We propose three graph networks for this kind of infectious disease. Through mathematical analysis, we find the basic regeneration of the models on the network of three graphs. The ratio k2k of the number not only with the two order moment is also related to the mean degree K. This conclusion and the basic regeneration number on the two graph network are essentially different from the k2k related conclusions, indicating that the three graph network is more beneficial to the spread of the disease than the two graph network. Four cross transmission rates have the same effect on the number of basic regeneration; infectious diseases exist at the same time or at the same time on three subnetworks..3. studies the disease spread dynamics on two typical three layer coupling networks (crosstick coupling networks and ring coupling networks). The three layer coupling network can be used to represent the spread of disease in three societies. It is found that the increase of each subnet's internal infection rate can only effectively affect the subnet itself and its neighbors; in the cascade coupling network, with the increase of the network size or the rate of infection, the subnet of the intermediate subnet has a greater influence on the basic regeneration number of the whole network than the subnet at both ends; with the increase of the network size, the base of the loop coupling network This regenerative number is larger than the basic regeneration number of the cascade coupling network. However, with the increase of a certain rate of infection, the basic regeneration number and the average infection density of the cross coupled and annular coupling networks are almost the same.
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