[Abstract]:Intelligence is a kind of modern advanced technology, it not only provides all kinds of convenience for people's modern production and life, but also has been widely used in the modern social transportation environment to provide corresponding services and guidance. At the same time play a role in alleviating various traffic conditions. The vehicle following model with intelligent information has a strong practical application background and has become a research hotspot of traffic flow problem. The intelligent vehicle system can predict the traffic situation ahead of time and collect the distance and speed of the vehicle in front. The full speed difference model is a widely used model of vehicle following in accordance with the actual traffic. In this paper, two fully velocity difference models with intelligent information are proposed. The reduced perturbation method is used to study the solitary wave of the model, and numerical simulation is used to analyze the model. Model 1 is the first time to consider the full speed difference model which includes the intelligence hint information and the driver's own characteristic. According to the linear analysis method, the critical stability curve is obtained, and the solitary wave solution and the kink solution are derived by using the reductive perturbation method for nonlinear analysis. Using MATLAB programming to calculate the relationship between speed and time, the distance and the number of vehicles, and to analyze the influence of intelligent prompting information and driver's personal factors on the traffic flow. The second model is a full speed difference model with the influence of intelligent system. Under the influence of the intelligent system, the vehicle can not only receive the predictive information of the vehicle in front, but also can receive the predictive information of the vehicle in front of the vehicle. The stability condition of the model is obtained by linear analysis, the kink solution and steady state solution of the model are obtained by nonlinear analysis, and the relationship diagram of velocity and time, distance and vehicle number is obtained by MATLAB programming. The influence of the number of vehicles receiving the predicted speed on the traffic flow is analyzed.
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