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发布时间:2018-08-23 11:39
[Abstract]:In a complex system, it may contain both random and uncertain variables, in order to study such a complex system Liu Y. The concept of uncertain random variables was proposed in 2013. Uncertain random variable is a measurable function from opportunity space to real number set. On this basis, as a theoretical development, this paper defines the independence of uncertain random variables, and studies the properties of independent uncertain random variables. For optimal systems with uncertain random variables, we need to use uncertain stochastic programming to model. It has been known that if the objective function and constraint function in an uncertain stochastic programming model are monotonic with respect to uncertain parameters, the model can be transformed into a clear mathematical programming. If the objective function or constraint function is not monotone with respect to uncertain parameters, then the above conclusion will not necessarily hold true for an uncertain stochastic programming model with a nonmonotone function. In order to solve this problem, the uncertain stochastic expected value programming model and the chance constrained programming model with non-monotone function are established, and the uncertain stochastic simulation is designed to solve the established model. In summary, the innovations of this paper are as follows: the independence of uncertain random variables is defined. In this paper, the properties of independent uncertain random variables are studied, the chance distribution and expected value of uncertain random variable functions are discussed, the uncertain stochastic programming model with nonmonotone function is established, and the uncertain stochastic simulation is designed to solve the problem.


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