[Abstract]:Tsunami is a kind of marine disaster with sudden and strong destructive power. The huge disasters caused by the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 and the tsunami in 2011 have attracted great attention all over the world. Tsunamis are usually caused by seabed earthquakes, landslides, or volcanic eruptions, which cause severe vibration and deformation of the seabed, and then trigger the surface of the sea water. The tsunami waves propagate around the coastal zone because of the shallow water depth and the rapid increase of wave height when they reach the coastal zone. This paper aims to simulate the generation, propagation and impact of the tsunami on the coastal zone by using a reliable numerical model, and to analyze the impact of potential tsunami sources in the South China Sea on the surrounding areas. The numerical early warning method for the South China Sea tsunami and the rapid early warning technology for the earthquake and tsunami in Manila trench provide scientific basis for the early warning and disaster prevention and reduction of the South China Sea tsunami. In view of the complicated seabed deformation caused by real earthquake, the evolution of terrain is simulated by using the method of linear superposition of multiple plates or the movement time of each plate is given. The complex process of seabed deformation caused by real earthquake can be described. The nonlinear shallow water equation model is used in this paper. A numerical model of tsunami wave propagation (GeoClaw) is introduced in detail. Based on one-dimensional nonlinear shallow water equation, combined with hyperbolic conservation law and linearization theory, a discrete scheme is constructed on the basis of finite volume method, and the equations are solved numerically. For large-scale computation problems such as tsunami transoceanic propagation, this method can effectively improve the computational efficiency and get the simulation results quickly. Based on the numerical model established on the basis of nonlinear shallow water wave equation, the dam-break problem, the propagation of cylindrical wave, and the liquid problem are respectively solved. Three-dimensional sloshing problem, the influence of Gaussian wave on bank slope and other basic examples are validated. Comparing with analytical solution and experimental results, the calculation accuracy of the model is verified. Comparing the numerical results of different types of meshes, the validity of the adaptive mesh is verified. The results show that the model can effectively simulate the propagation of shallow water waves. Taking the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 and the local earthquake tsunami in 2011 as examples, the two-dimensional nonlinear shallow water equation numerical model based on the finite volume method is validated and calculated. In order to simulate the real tsunami accurately, the propagation characteristics of the two tsunamis are analyzed according to the numerical simulation results. By simulating different sources and comparing the influence of different precision sources on the numerical results, it is found that the high precision source parameters can get better results. Further more, the Japanese tsunami on Sendai is studied by using a more refined grid. The numerical results show that due to the special propagation path of the tsunami and the shallow water depth of the East China Sea continental shelf, the impact of the 2011 tsunami on China's coast is not significant, and the maximum wave height near the coast is only 0.5m. Focal parameter characteristics and focal parameter characteristics of extraordinarily large earthquakes.The propagation characteristics and influence range of tsunamis induced by different plates during M8 earthquakes are simulated by numerical model,and the effects on Hainan Island,Taiwan Island and Lingding Ocean are analyzed.The possible Mw=9.3 earthquake in Manila trench is further simulated. The propagation characteristics and influence range of the tsunami and its effects on Hainan Island, Taiwan Island and Lingdingyang are calculated, and the characteristics of the flow field generated by the tsunami are analyzed. The propagation of the tsunamis of magnitude mw=8.0 and magnitude mw=9.3 in the South China Sea are calculated by using Boussinesq model. The results of the calculation are compared with those of the calculation with and without considering dispersion. The dispersive effect of potential tsunamis in the South China Sea (SCS) is not obvious. For the potential tsunamis in the Nila trench, the tsunamis caused by unit slip of the unit plate is simulated and calculated, and the corresponding tsunami source database is constructed. The early warning method is applied to the tsunami warning of potential earthquake sources in the Nila trench of the South Hippocampus.The effectiveness of the method is verified by comparing with the simulation results of the positive problem.The inversion method based on multiple buoys developed in this paper is more reliable than the single buoy method in predicting the earthquake tsunami in the Nila trench of the South Hippocampus with higher magnitude and larger range. In view of the cost of buoys, the location of buoys with priority is given by numerical simulation results. Combining with the basic characteristics of the distribution of the potential source fault zone in Manila trench, a rapid early warning method for the sudden tsunami in Manila trench is established. The visualized numerical model of the tsunami triggered by the Manila trench earthquake can be given in 5 minutes. The results provide a basis for the rapid tsunami warning and tsunami disaster prevention and mitigation in the South China Sea.
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