[Abstract]:Web prefetching technology is based on the analysis of relevant data or behaviors accessed by the user, and actively predicts the pages it may visit next, and loads the pages through hidden requests, which can be obtained in advance and stored in the cache for the user to visit. Thus, the delay caused by various possible problems such as network or server is reduced when the user accesses. Based on the characteristics of Web access mode and the basic theory of prefetching and caching, this paper fully explores the rules and characteristics of Web access process on the basis of predecessors, and adopts the methods of probability statistics and mathematical analysis to improve the log processing. An integrated prefetching framework is established, such as feature extraction, resource prediction and resource cache and replacement. In the research of pre-fetching integrated framework, the main work includes: (1) in the process of log data processing, a new method is proposed to supplement the missing and missing information of access path sequence in log records. In order to restore a complete and reasonable access behavior, the algorithm is simple and effective and easy to implement. (2) the traditional feature word extraction algorithm TF-IDF (Term Frequency / Inverse Document Frequency) is improved, and the TF-IDF-CD (Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency-Categorical Description algorithm is proposed. The algorithm solves the problem of weak classification ability in the traditional feature extraction process. (3) the resource prediction process classifies users on the basis of the original Markov prefetching model. At the same time, the user access path is analyzed from the point of view of semantics, and user information requirements are extracted, and a hidden Markov prefetching model based on user classification is formed. The algorithm combines two kinds of algorithms based on access path and semantics. In order to achieve better prediction accuracy. (4) in resource cache and replacement, based on GDS (Greedy-Dual-Size) and GDSF (Greedy-Dual-Size-Frequency) algorithm, we introduce the concept of time frequency, and propose GDSF-T (Greedy-Dual-Size-Frequency-Time) algorithm, which makes up for the influence of time factor on access frequency. Finally, the framework is applied to a production and marketing platform of agricultural products based on WeChat, in order to reduce the access delay and optimize the system performance in view of the unique characteristics of the mobile platform, such as low bandwidth, high delay, intermittent connectivity and so on. The performance of the system is tested and analyzed before and after the introduction of the prefetching frame. The test results show that the performance of the system is good.
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