[Abstract]:Based on the historical data of large scale social networks and their users, this paper presents a method for selecting key users with strong ability to spread information quickly and effectively. Firstly, using the structure information of the social network, constructing the directed graph with the user as the node, using the historical data of the user to publish the message, and based on the Spark computing framework, the activity degree of the user is calculated quantitatively. In order to construct the directed weighted graph model of social network, we can use PageRank algorithm for reference to establish the measurement mechanism of users' ability to spread information. In this paper, the computing method of user's information transmission ability in large-scale social network based on Spark is presented, and then, the algorithm of d- distance selection based on Spark is given, which makes the information transmission range of different key users overlap as little as possible through multiple iterations. The experimental results based on Sina Weibo data show that the proposed method is efficient, feasible and extensible, which can support the control of bad information dissemination and the monitoring of social network public opinion.
【作者单位】: 云南大学信息学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金资助项目(61472345,61562090) 云南省应用基础研究计划重点项目(2014FA023) 第二批“云岭学者”培养项目(C6153001) 云南大学青年英才培养计划项目(WX173602) 云南省教育厅科研基金资助项目(2016ZZX006,2016YJS005)~~
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