[Abstract]:In the last ten years, the numerical solution of the optimal control problem with random field coefficient is becoming a new research hotspot. Compared with the deterministic case, the numerical solution of the stochastic optimal control problem is in its infancy. At present, there is not much work in this area [20 / 49 / 81 / 48 / 56 / 54]. In these papers, the optimality conditions of stochastic optimal control problems are derived by using the validity of Lagrange multiplier method and the numerical schemes are given. As far as we know, we first consider the numerical solution of constrained optimal control problem of partial differential equations with random field coefficients, and give the numerical scheme and error estimate. In this paper, the first chapter mainly introduces the research background and current research situation. In chapter 2, we give a stochastic Galerkin approximation scheme for constrained optimal control of parabolic equations with random field coefficients. Firstly, we obtain the optimality conditions of stochastic control problems by using Lions' Lemma, and then transform the stochastic problem into a finite dimensional deterministic optimal control problem by K-L expansion. Then we give a fully discrete scheme of optimality conditions and obtain a priori error estimate for state variables, adjoint state variables and control variables. Finally, a numerical example is given to verify our conclusion. In chapter 3, we study the stochastic Galerkin approximation scheme for constrained optimal control of convection-diffusion equations with random field coefficients. A target functional is a mathematical expectation that minimizes a consumption functional. It is well known that the feature finite element method [32] has good computational stability, and from the actual physical background, it can truly reflect the essence of motion. In this chapter we combine the eigenline method with the stochastic Galerkin method to give the full discrete scheme of the optimal control problem and obtain the error estimates. In chapter 4, we study the stochastic collocation of constrained optimal control problems for elliptic equations with random field coefficients. We give the optimality conditions of the optimal control problem and obtain the priori error estimates for state variables, adjoint state variables and control variables, and verify our conclusion by an example. This chapter mainly introduces the stochastic collocation method and the stochastic Smolyak approximation scheme. When the solution is smooth and the number of random variables is large, the Smolyak approximation scheme is a very efficient collocation method. Can greatly reduce the number of configuration points while ensuring high accuracy. For a more general stochastic optimal control problem, when the state variables have some non-differentiable points or singularities of random variables, we can decompose the probabilistic space according to the non-differentiable points, and adopt the Smolyak approximation scheme on the smooth region. By increasing the number of collocation points in a non-smooth region, the low order Lagrange interpolation function can be used as a base function to approximate the total number of collocation points, and it can also be approximated well on the whole in the case of reducing the total number of collocation points. In chapter 5, we apply the stochastic collocation method to the constrained optimal control problem of parabolic equations with random field coefficients. The full discrete scheme of the optimal control problem and the error estimate of the numerical solution are given.
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