[Abstract]:Spatial interactive network (SDN) is a directed flow network embedded in space, which is formed by the flow of people, commodities and information between the points of the earth. Typical spatial interactive networks include international trade network, population migration network, crowd travel network and telephone communication network. Understanding and predicting traffic distribution patterns in spatial interactive networks is not only an important research topic in many fields, such as regional science, transportation science, economic geography and so on, but also in urban and traffic planning, disease prevention and control. Commercial services and other fields also have extensive application value. Based on a brief introduction of classical spatial interaction models, such as gravity model and intervention opportunity model, this paper focuses on the research achievements of spatial interactive network modeling in the field of complex systems in recent years, including radiation model. The population weight opportunity model and random walk model on spatial interactive network are discussed, and the challenging problems in the research of spatial interactive network are discussed, including individual diversity behavior modeling, group spatial interactive decision-making behavior experiment, and so on. Data-driven activity-travel behavior research and so on.
【作者单位】: 北京交通大学交通系统科学与工程研究院;
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