[Abstract]:The purpose of this paper is to select variables and predict classes for Leukemia 72 of micromatrix data. For the first time, the idea of priority reduction of the importance of sum and two indexes is applied to variable selection of classified data. In this paper, the hypothesis test method is used to verify that the original hypothesis proposed in Robert Tibshirani [15] is unreasonable, and a new statistic (94) 6 is proposed to correct these irrationality. Combined with the statistical significance of the statistic and the Sure Independent Screening () thought, a new variable selection model is proposed for different data types and different sample sizes. Therefore, the importance priority idea is added to the previous model to create a two-index importance priority dimensionality reduction method (). Then, support vector machine (1), naive Bayesian method () and nearest neighbor method () are selected as the classifiers of the data after variable selection, and the best classification model is found by using the error rate index. Finally, the above models are applied to the simulation data and the actual data respectively. The feasibility and stability of the proposed model are proved by comparing the classification effect of the method with the selection of rank sum test variables and the fast screening variable method.
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