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发布时间:2018-12-29 20:42
【摘要】:重大公共活动,比如大型赛事,由于其参与人数众多,影响力广泛,一直是恐怖分子的重要攻击目标.因此,重大公共活动的安保问题也是各国政府必须面对的一项难题.由于公共活动通常场地复杂,参与者多样,而安全部门可支配的安保资源有限,如何最大限度地利用有限的资源保障活动安全进行成为了一项极具挑战的任务.本文以博弈模型来描述重大公共活动的安保问题,该模型既考虑了公共活动本身人流量与时间相关的特点,也考虑了安全部门与潜在的恐怖分子的复杂的策略空间.基于此模型,本文研究了安保资源转移时间可忽略与转移时间不可忽略两种情况,并分别提出算法SCOUT-A(Scheduling seCurity res Ources in pUblic evenTs with no relocating delAy)和SCOUT-C(Scheduling seCurity resOurces in pUblic evenTs against Continuous strategy space)来求解安保部门的最优策略.实验证明,本文提出的算法比已有的算法为安保部门带来更好的收益.
[Abstract]:Major public events, such as major events, have been a major target for terrorists because of their large numbers and influence. Therefore, the security of major public events is also a problem that governments must face. Due to the complexity of public events, diverse participants and limited security resources at the disposal of the security sector, how to maximize the use of limited resources to ensure the security of activities has become a challenging task. In this paper, a game model is used to describe the security problems of major public events. The model not only takes into account the characteristics of the public events themselves, but also considers the complex strategic space between the security department and the potential terrorists. Based on this model, this paper studies two cases of security resources transfer time can be ignored and transfer time can not be ignored. The algorithms SCOUT-A (Scheduling seCurity res Ources in pUblic evenTs with no relocating delAy) and SCOUT-C (Scheduling seCurity resOurces in pUblic evenTs against Continuous strategy space) are proposed to solve the optimal strategy of security sector. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm brings better benefits to the security sector than the existing algorithm.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院计算技术研究所智能信息处理重点实验室;中国科学院大学;School


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