[Abstract]:Some problems in the theory of extreme combination and coding are considered in this paper. By using the powerful mathematical tools, including the polynomial method, the super-graph removal approach and the addition number theory, several conjecture and open problems with considerable difficulty are studied. In the second chapter, we consider a conjecture of the three-year history of Erdos, Franklin and Furedi in the field of cluster test. Given n of the n-tested samples, where d is positive, the objective of the group test theory is to find all positive samples using as few test times as possible, rather than just one-by-one detection of all samples. A binary matrix is called d-separated, and if its arbitrary d column does not contain other columns. The separation matrix has very important application in the non-self-adaptive group test. the minimum t is represented by t (d) so that there is a d-separation matrix that satisfies n t-rn. T (?) and guesses t (d) 1 (d + 1) 2. By using the graph matching theorem of Erdos and Galai, we prove (?), the gap between the conjecture value is reduced. In chapter 3, we consider the upper boundary of the anti-frame code, the parent identification code and the tracking code. these codes are used to protect digital files with copyright. They are applied in scenarios such as digital fingerprints, broadcast encryption schemes, and the like. Using the techniques of some combination counting methods, we give the upper bounds of these three codes, respectively. These boundaries are the best known in the art. In the fourth chapter, we have studied an important problem of Tulane, that is, the problem of the sparse hypergraph proposed by Brown, Erd6s and S6s. In consideration of the r-equilibrium hypergraph on n vertices, it is assumed that it does not contain the e-edge only by v vertices, and for more than forty years, Brown and others use the function fr (n, u, e) to represent the maximum number of edges that can be included in this hypergraph. They made a famous guess: (?) All integers r k, 2, e and 3 are established. It is noted that when r = 3, e = 3, k = 2, the correctness of the conjecture is guaranteed by the (6, 3)-theorem of the well-known Ruzsa-Szemeteredi. We have provided more evidence for the establishment of the conjecture. On the one hand, we removed the lemma from the hypergraph: the right-hand side of the conjecture is set up for all fixed integers, r-kk + 1 and e-3. Our results cover all the well-known scenarios in history that have assumed the bounds of the conjecture. On the other hand, by constructing a sum-free set in a suitable number theory, we note that the left pair r = 3, k = 2 and e = 4, 5, 7, and 8 of the conjecture are all set up. In the range of e-4 and r-4, our structure is the first to set up the lower bound of the conjecture. The distributable hash family is a very useful combination structure, which is a generalization of many research objects in the theory of combination, cryptography and coding. In the fifth chapter, we have solved a number of open questions and conjecture on the upper and lower bounds of the sub-hash family and the perfect hash family. First, we find that the size of the sub-hash family satisfies a Johnson-type iterative inequality. From this point of view, we give the improved upper boundary of the sub-hash family. Second, we construct an infinite class of perfect hash family. It's not only a positive answer to Bazrafshan and Trung's open question about the partible-hash family, but also an answer to Alon and Sta's conjecture about the parent's identification code. Finally, the maximum possible size of the perfect hash family, denoted by (N, q), of the q-element N long-intensity of t is denoted by (N, q). Walker and Colboun guesses that there are p3 (3, q) = o (q2) when q is sufficiently large. By using (6, 3)-theorem, we prove (?). In addition, using some of the tools of the addition number theory, we also prove (? In Chapter 6 and Chapter 7, we respectively study the two coding problems in the information science. The first problem is a centralized cache coding scheme, a technique proposed by Maddah-Ali and Niesen, which is used to reduce the network load in the high-peak period in the wireless network system. If K is the number of users in the system, the ratio R (K) and the complexity F (K) are the main measure of the cache scheme. We want to design a cache that makes both R (K) and F (K) as small as possible. The previous results satisfy the constant of R (K) and F (K) is an exponential function. We associate this problem with the construction of 3-balanced 3-part (6, 3)-free hypergraph, and put forward the first cache scheme with constant ratio and subexponential complexity. The second problem is the distributed storage code, which has an important application in modern storage systems. the piggy back design is used to construct a memory code that has good coding complexity and repair bandwidth at the same time. By introducing a novel piggy back frame, our proposed piggy back code has the same decoding complexity as the existing code, but reduces the repair bandwidth rate from r-1 to (?). In Chapter 8, we consider the extreme problem on a finite field. Recently, Cot-Lev-Pach and Elenberg-Gijswjt use a novel polynomial method, which respectively defines the size of the largest subset of the three-length equal-difference series on the Z4n and F3n, both of which are published in the . Terrence Tao summed up their work and refined it as a method of calculating the rank of certain multivariate functions. We change the Tao's counting formula and use the new formula to prove the following conclusion: Let q be a fixed odd prime power, A is a subset of Fqn, so that there are no three different elements x, y, z and A.
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