[Abstract]:Zhang Liang's type of data has greatly attracted people's attention. Recently, a number of Zhang Liang learning methods have emerged, but most of them deal with Zhang Liang learning methods devoted to the direct vectorization of Zhang Liang. And the direct Zhang Liang vectorization may lead to a lot of problems. First, Zhang Liang's structural information was destroyed. Second, the direct vectorization of Zhang Liang may produce a vector with a high dimension, which may lead to higher computational complexity, over-fitting problems and large memory requirements. Therefore, it is meaningful to study a better and more effective algorithm to solve Zhang Liang's regression problem and classification problem. In this paper, we mainly study some algorithms of Zhang Liang's regression problem and classification problem from two aspects. First, keep and make use of Zhang Liang's structure information as much as possible; second, quantify Zhang Liang vector into vector with as small dimension as possible. First of all, we're inspired by the relationship between color and gray, We re-construct the training set and form a new least square support Zhang Liang regression model based on Zhang quantum matrix to solve Zhang Liang's regression problem. By introducing projection matrix and another fixed-point continuous algorithm, we transform the least square support Zhang Liang regression model based on tensor quantum matrix slice into the least square support matrix regression model of some columns. Then a fixed-point continuous algorithm is proposed to solve these least square support matrix regression models. Secondly, we know that the kernel norm of a matrix can be regarded as a characterization of the rank of a matrix, so we can naturally think of using Zhang Liang's kernel norm to characterize Zhang Liang's rank. Therefore, by selecting the definition of Zhang Liang's kernel norm, A support Zhang machine based on Zhang Liang's kernel norm is established to solve Zhang Liang's classification problem. From the second aspect, we preprocess the original data by decomposing Zhang Liang into Zhang Liang's T-svd, and get a vector with relatively small dimension. Then we use the algorithm of solution vector regression or classification to calculate the original data. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithms to deal with the Zhang Liang regression problem and the classification problem have good experimental performance.
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