[Abstract]:The research of complex network has achieved great success in many fields, such as network modeling, cluster analysis and so on. Nowadays, most researches focus on network structure analysis or network node properties. The graph filtering theory solves the problem of separation between network structure analysis and network node property analysis. In this paper, the basic principle of the graph filtering algorithm is introduced firstly. The graph filtering algorithm maps the property of the node to the graph signal, and by defining the graph Fourier transform, the graph signal is transformed into another dimension for analysis. However, the existing graph filtering algorithms are only suitable for homogeneous networks. That is, a network that contains only one type of node. In this paper, a tensor graph filtering algorithm is proposed for heterogeneous networks, and the graph filtering algorithm is extended to heterogeneous networks. Tensor graph filtering algorithm first uses adjacent Zhang Liang to model heterogeneous networks, secondly analyzes the filtering law of graph signals on heterogeneous networks, and finally defines graph Fourier transform by Zhang Liang decomposition, and proposes a graph filter suitable for heterogeneous networks. Because the scene of heterogeneous network is based on the tensor graph filtering algorithm, compared with the graph filtering algorithm which can only analyze the isomorphic network, the algorithm takes into account the topology structure of different types of nodes and makes the best use of the known node connection relationship. Therefore, the tensor graph filtering algorithm not only extends the scope of application of the graph filtering algorithm, but also can more accurately analyze the filtering law of graph signals. In the aspect of algorithm simulation, this paper presents a semi-supervised classification algorithm based on Zhang Liang graph filtering, which proves the effectiveness of the algorithm through the accuracy of classification. In this paper, the tensor filter algorithm is simulated on DBLP database, Sina Weibo database and heterogeneous network. Compared with the graph filtering algorithm which is only suitable for isomorphic networks, tensor graph filtering algorithm achieves higher classification accuracy. And when the proportion of known nodes is small, the advantage of tensor graph filtering algorithm is more obvious.
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