[Abstract]:This paper is mainly composed of six parts: first of all, in the introduction part, we introduce the background of fractional Laplace and its application in physics, and give the definition of fractional order operator and fractional Sobolev space. In chapter 1, we study the fractional Choquard equation with potential in critical case by using the method of variation and the theory of Lustermik-Schnirelmann domain number, and prove the existence, centrality and multisolution of positive solutions. In chapter 2, we mainly consider fractional systems with different indices. Firstly, the extremum principle, which is an important theorem using the moving plane method, is obtained by iterative method, and the symmetry and nonexistence of the solution are obtained by using the direct moving plane method without any hypothetical conditions at infinity. In chapter 3, we mainly study a class of fractional Choquard equations. Firstly, we obtain the equivalence between a single equation and a system of equations, and the symmetry and nonexistence of the solution are also obtained by using the method of the equations in the second chapter. In chapter 4, we consider the fractional Henorn system. First, we use the moving plane method to obtain the radial symmetry of the solution, and then we obtain the nonexistence of the positive solution in critical and Supercritical cases by using the Pohozaev identity in the integral form. In chapter 5, we obtain the Pohozaev identity of fractional equations in star domain, and use it to prove the nonexistence of positive solutions in subcritical cases.
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