发布时间:2021-12-24 16:53
【文章来源】:中国科学技术大学安徽省 211工程院校 985工程院校
【文章页数】:106 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Some Applications
1.2 Copulas Theory Introduction
1.3 Regular Vine Copulas Theory Introduction
1.4 Graph Based Algorithms of Regular Vine Copulas
1.5 Outline
Chapter 2 Regular Vine Copulas Underpinnings
2.1 Definition and Properties
2.2 Algorithms for C-vine and D-vine Copulas
2.3 Simplified PCC
Chapter 3 Regular Vine Copulas Modelling, Sampling and TestingAlgorithms
3.1 Bivariate Coulas Functions
3.1.1 Bivariate normal copula
3.1.2 Bivariate Student t copula
3.1.3 Bivariate Clayton copula
3.1.4 Bivariate Gumbel copula
3.1.5 Bivariate Frank copula
3.1.6 Bivariate Joe copula
3.2 Regular Vine Copulas Modeling
3.2.1 Introduction of PRIM Algorithm
3.3 Regular Vine Copulas Sampling
3.4 Regular Vine Copulas Testing
Chapter 4 Multivariate Count Variables Sampling
4.1 Discrete Distributions
4.2 Marginal Regular Vine Copulas
4.3 Sampling Algorithm
4.4 Simulation Studies
4.4.1 Case 1
4.4.2 Case 2
4.4.3 Case 3
Chapter 5 Software and Simulation
5.1 Python Package "bvcopula"
5.2 Python Package "pyvine"
5.3 Python Package "countvar"
Chapter 6 Conclusion
Chapter 7 附录
7.1 正则藤Copula理论介绍
7.2 本篇学位论文的创新点
7.2.1 基于图的正则藤Copula算法
7.2.2 利用R-vine Copula进行多元离散分布的抽样
7.3 模拟研究
[1]改进的pair-copula参数估计方法在经济研究中的应用[J]. 佘晓萌. 数理统计与管理. 2016(01)
[2]基于藤copula方法的区域性金融危机传染分析[J]. 顾冬雷,叶五一,缪柏其. 中国科学技术大学学报. 2013(09)
[3]基于pair copula-GARCH模型的多资产组合VaR分析[J]. 黄恩喜,程希骏. 中国科学院研究生院学报. 2010(04)
【文章来源】:中国科学技术大学安徽省 211工程院校 985工程院校
【文章页数】:106 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Some Applications
1.2 Copulas Theory Introduction
1.3 Regular Vine Copulas Theory Introduction
1.4 Graph Based Algorithms of Regular Vine Copulas
1.5 Outline
Chapter 2 Regular Vine Copulas Underpinnings
2.1 Definition and Properties
2.2 Algorithms for C-vine and D-vine Copulas
2.3 Simplified PCC
Chapter 3 Regular Vine Copulas Modelling, Sampling and TestingAlgorithms
3.1 Bivariate Coulas Functions
3.1.1 Bivariate normal copula
3.1.2 Bivariate Student t copula
3.1.3 Bivariate Clayton copula
3.1.4 Bivariate Gumbel copula
3.1.5 Bivariate Frank copula
3.1.6 Bivariate Joe copula
3.2 Regular Vine Copulas Modeling
3.2.1 Introduction of PRIM Algorithm
3.3 Regular Vine Copulas Sampling
3.4 Regular Vine Copulas Testing
Chapter 4 Multivariate Count Variables Sampling
4.1 Discrete Distributions
4.2 Marginal Regular Vine Copulas
4.3 Sampling Algorithm
4.4 Simulation Studies
4.4.1 Case 1
4.4.2 Case 2
4.4.3 Case 3
Chapter 5 Software and Simulation
5.1 Python Package "bvcopula"
5.2 Python Package "pyvine"
5.3 Python Package "countvar"
Chapter 6 Conclusion
Chapter 7 附录
7.1 正则藤Copula理论介绍
7.2 本篇学位论文的创新点
7.2.1 基于图的正则藤Copula算法
7.2.2 利用R-vine Copula进行多元离散分布的抽样
7.3 模拟研究
[1]改进的pair-copula参数估计方法在经济研究中的应用[J]. 佘晓萌. 数理统计与管理. 2016(01)
[2]基于藤copula方法的区域性金融危机传染分析[J]. 顾冬雷,叶五一,缪柏其. 中国科学技术大学学报. 2013(09)
[3]基于pair copula-GARCH模型的多资产组合VaR分析[J]. 黄恩喜,程希骏. 中国科学院研究生院学报. 2010(04)