【关键词】:辛和多辛哈密尔顿系统 保全局能量方法 非局部方程 傅里叶拟谱方法 有限元方法 小波配置方法 平均向量场 离散偏导方法
- 摘要4-5
- Abstract5-6
- 1 Introduction6-9
- 2 The Camassa-Holm equation9-34
- §2.1 Multi-symplecticity of the Camassa-Holm equation9-13
- 2.1.1 Lagrangian and multi-symplectic formulations9-12
- 2.1.2 The local properties of the Camassa-Holm equation12-13
- §2.2 Energy-preserving algorithms13-34
- 2.2.1 Introduction of the variational derivative13-15
- 2.2.2 Fourier pseudospectral method and AVF method15-19
- 2.2.3 Galerkin method and AVF method19-27
- 2.2.4 Fourier pseudospectral method and DPD method27-30
- 2.2.5 Wavelet collocation method and DPD method30-34
- 3 The Benjamin-type equations34-46
- §3.1 Multi-symplecticity of the Benjamin-type equations34-37
- 3.1.1 A modified multi-symplectic formulation35-36
- 3.1.2 The local properties of the Benjamin-type equations36-37
- §3.2 The operators H,L and their discretizations37-39
- 3.2.1 Introduction of Hilbert transform H37-38
- 3.2.2 Discretization of the non-local operators H and L38-39
- §3.3 Energy-preserving algorithms39-46
- 3.3.1 Fourier pseudospectral method and AVF method41-43
- 3.3.2 Galerkin method and AVF method43-45
- 3.3.3 Wavelet collocation method and AVF method45-46
- 4 Numerical Examples46-67
- §4.1 Numerical simulation for the Camassa-Holm equation46-59
- §4.2 Numerical simulation for the Benjamin equation59-67
- 5 Concluding remarks67-69
- Bibliography69-74
- 致谢74
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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中国重要会议论文全文数据库 前2条
1 ;Stability Analysis and Control of a Linearized Benjamin-Bona-Mahony Equation[A];第二十三届中国控制会议论文集(上册)[C];2004年
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中国硕士学位论文全文数据库 前2条
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