Genetic analysis and QTL mapping of stalk cell wall componen
发布时间:2021-11-03 08:25
The cell wall composition and structure of the maize stalk directly affects its digestibility and in turn its feed value.Previous studies of stem quality have focused mostly on common maize germplasm,and few studies have focused on high-oil cultivars with high grain and straw quality.Investigation of the genetic basis of cell wall composition and digestibility of maize stalk using high-oil maize is desirable for improving maize forage quality.In the present study,a high-oil inbred line(By804) wa...
【文章来源】:The Crop Journal. 2020,8(01)SCICSCD
【文章页数】:8 页
1. Introduction
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Plant materials and field experiments
2.2. Phenotype evaluation
2.3. Phenotypic data analysis
2.4. Development of genetic linkage map
2.5. QTL identification
3. Results
3.1. Phenotypic variation,correlations,and heritability
3.2. QTL mapping
3.3. Clusters of QTL
4. Discussion
4.1. Phenotypic variation,heritability,and correlations of traits
4.2. QTL analysis
4.3. Co-localization of QTL for cell wall components and digestibility
Declaration of competing interest
[1]玉米茎秆细胞壁和组织构建对抗压强度的影响[J]. 王庭杰,张亮,韩琼,郑凤霞,王天琪,冯娜娜,王太霞. 植物科学学报. 2015(01)
[2]玉米茎秆纤维素含量遗传分析[J]. 马飞前,刘小刚,王红武,黄长玲,吴宇锦,胡小娇,刘志芳. 玉米科学. 2015(01)
[3]SNP分子标记的研究及其应用进展[J]. 唐立群,肖层林,王伟平. 中国农学通报. 2012(12)
[4]玉米自交系秸秆品质性状鉴定与评价[J]. 石平,白琪林,陈稳良. 植物遗传资源学报. 2012(01)
[5]我国常用玉米自交系秸秆品质性状及其相关分析[J]. 白琪林,陈绍江,戴景瑞. 作物学报. 2007(11)
[6]近红外漫反射光谱法测定玉米秸秆体外干物质消化率[J]. 白琪林,陈绍江,董晓玲,孟庆祥,严衍禄,戴景瑞. 光谱学与光谱分析. 2006(02)
[7]玉米5个农艺性状的QTL定位[J]. 汤华,严建兵,黄益勤,郑用琏,李建生. 遗传学报. 2005(02)
【文章来源】:The Crop Journal. 2020,8(01)SCICSCD
【文章页数】:8 页
1. Introduction
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Plant materials and field experiments
2.2. Phenotype evaluation
2.3. Phenotypic data analysis
2.4. Development of genetic linkage map
2.5. QTL identification
3. Results
3.1. Phenotypic variation,correlations,and heritability
3.2. QTL mapping
3.3. Clusters of QTL
4. Discussion
4.1. Phenotypic variation,heritability,and correlations of traits
4.2. QTL analysis
4.3. Co-localization of QTL for cell wall components and digestibility
Declaration of competing interest
[1]玉米茎秆细胞壁和组织构建对抗压强度的影响[J]. 王庭杰,张亮,韩琼,郑凤霞,王天琪,冯娜娜,王太霞. 植物科学学报. 2015(01)
[2]玉米茎秆纤维素含量遗传分析[J]. 马飞前,刘小刚,王红武,黄长玲,吴宇锦,胡小娇,刘志芳. 玉米科学. 2015(01)
[3]SNP分子标记的研究及其应用进展[J]. 唐立群,肖层林,王伟平. 中国农学通报. 2012(12)
[4]玉米自交系秸秆品质性状鉴定与评价[J]. 石平,白琪林,陈稳良. 植物遗传资源学报. 2012(01)
[5]我国常用玉米自交系秸秆品质性状及其相关分析[J]. 白琪林,陈绍江,戴景瑞. 作物学报. 2007(11)
[6]近红外漫反射光谱法测定玉米秸秆体外干物质消化率[J]. 白琪林,陈绍江,董晓玲,孟庆祥,严衍禄,戴景瑞. 光谱学与光谱分析. 2006(02)
[7]玉米5个农艺性状的QTL定位[J]. 汤华,严建兵,黄益勤,郑用琏,李建生. 遗传学报. 2005(02)