Effect of wide-narrow row arrangement in mechanical pot-seed
发布时间:2021-11-21 14:16
Mechanical pot-seedling transplanting is an innovatively developed transplanting method that has the potential to replace mechanical carpet-seedling transplanting. However, the initial pot-seedling transplanting machine lacked optimized density spacing and limited yield potential for japonica rice. Therefore, ascertaining the optimized density by wide-narrow rows and the appropriate transplanting method for yield formation and grain quality of japonica rice is of great importance for high-qualit...
【文章来源】:Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2020,19(05)SCICSCD
【文章页数】:18 页
1. Introduction
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Experimental conditions
2.2. Plant materials and experimental design
2.3. Plant sampling and measurements
2.4. Statistical analysis
3. Results
3.1. Growth stage and period
3.2. Grain yield and yield components
3.3. Number of stems and tillers and percentage of productive tillers
3.4. Leaf area index(LAI)
3.5. Dry matter accumulation and harvest index
3.6. Processing quality
3.7. Appearance quality
3.8. Nutrition,cooking,and eating quality
4. Discussion
4.1. Effect of transplanting method and density on grain yield and dry matter accumulation
4.2. Effect of transplanting method and density on grain quality
5. Conclusion
[1]机插方式和密度对水稻主要品质性状及淀粉RVA谱特征的影响[J]. 胡雅杰,吴培,邢志鹏,钱海军,张洪程,戴其根,霍中洋,许轲,魏海燕,郭保卫. 扬州大学学报(农业与生命科学版). 2017(03)
[2]稻麦两熟制条件下钵苗机插方式对不同类型水稻品种米质的影响[J]. 邢志鹏,朱明,吴培,钱海军,曹伟伟,胡雅杰,郭保卫,魏海燕,许轲,霍中洋,戴其根,张洪程. 作物学报. 2017(04)
[3]氮肥运筹对钵苗机插优质食味水稻产量及品质的影响[J]. 胡群,夏敏,张洪程,曹利强,郭保卫,魏海燕,陈厚存,韩宝富. 作物学报. 2017(03)
[4]机插方式和密度对不同穗型水稻品种产量及其构成的影响[J]. 胡雅杰,钱海军,曹伟伟,邢志鹏,张洪程,戴其根,霍中洋,许轲,魏海燕,郭保卫. 中国水稻科学. 2016(05)
[5]稻麦两熟地区机插水稻品质形成的播期效应[J]. 邢志鹏,曹伟伟,钱海军,胡雅杰,张洪程,戴其根,霍中洋,许轲. 生态学杂志. 2016(01)
[6]钵苗机插密度对不同类型水稻齐穗期株型及冠层微环境的影响[J]. 郭保卫,朱聪聪,朱大伟,张洪程,江峰,葛梦婕. 生态学杂志. 2015(01)
[7]淮北地区水稻高产机械栽植方式对比[J]. 许轲,常勇,张强,霍中洋,张洪程,戴其根. 农业机械学报. 2014(12)
[8]中国水稻种植机械化高产农艺研究现状及发展探讨[J]. 张洪程,龚金龙. 中国农业科学. 2014(07)
[9]钵苗机插水稻群体动态特征及高产形成机制的探讨[J]. 胡雅杰,邢志鹏,龚金龙,刘国涛,张洪程,戴其根,霍中洋,许轲,魏海燕,郭保卫,沙安勤,周有炎,罗学超,刘国林. 中国农业科学. 2014(05)
[10]钵苗机插密度对不同类型水稻产量及光合物质生产特性的影响[J]. 朱聪聪,张洪程,郭保卫,曹利强,江峰,葛梦婕,花劲,宋云生,周兴涛,霍中洋,许轲,戴其根,魏海燕,朱大伟. 作物学报. 2014(01)
【文章来源】:Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2020,19(05)SCICSCD
【文章页数】:18 页
1. Introduction
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Experimental conditions
2.2. Plant materials and experimental design
2.3. Plant sampling and measurements
2.4. Statistical analysis
3. Results
3.1. Growth stage and period
3.2. Grain yield and yield components
3.3. Number of stems and tillers and percentage of productive tillers
3.4. Leaf area index(LAI)
3.5. Dry matter accumulation and harvest index
3.6. Processing quality
3.7. Appearance quality
3.8. Nutrition,cooking,and eating quality
4. Discussion
4.1. Effect of transplanting method and density on grain yield and dry matter accumulation
4.2. Effect of transplanting method and density on grain quality
5. Conclusion
[1]机插方式和密度对水稻主要品质性状及淀粉RVA谱特征的影响[J]. 胡雅杰,吴培,邢志鹏,钱海军,张洪程,戴其根,霍中洋,许轲,魏海燕,郭保卫. 扬州大学学报(农业与生命科学版). 2017(03)
[2]稻麦两熟制条件下钵苗机插方式对不同类型水稻品种米质的影响[J]. 邢志鹏,朱明,吴培,钱海军,曹伟伟,胡雅杰,郭保卫,魏海燕,许轲,霍中洋,戴其根,张洪程. 作物学报. 2017(04)
[3]氮肥运筹对钵苗机插优质食味水稻产量及品质的影响[J]. 胡群,夏敏,张洪程,曹利强,郭保卫,魏海燕,陈厚存,韩宝富. 作物学报. 2017(03)
[4]机插方式和密度对不同穗型水稻品种产量及其构成的影响[J]. 胡雅杰,钱海军,曹伟伟,邢志鹏,张洪程,戴其根,霍中洋,许轲,魏海燕,郭保卫. 中国水稻科学. 2016(05)
[5]稻麦两熟地区机插水稻品质形成的播期效应[J]. 邢志鹏,曹伟伟,钱海军,胡雅杰,张洪程,戴其根,霍中洋,许轲. 生态学杂志. 2016(01)
[6]钵苗机插密度对不同类型水稻齐穗期株型及冠层微环境的影响[J]. 郭保卫,朱聪聪,朱大伟,张洪程,江峰,葛梦婕. 生态学杂志. 2015(01)
[7]淮北地区水稻高产机械栽植方式对比[J]. 许轲,常勇,张强,霍中洋,张洪程,戴其根. 农业机械学报. 2014(12)
[8]中国水稻种植机械化高产农艺研究现状及发展探讨[J]. 张洪程,龚金龙. 中国农业科学. 2014(07)
[9]钵苗机插水稻群体动态特征及高产形成机制的探讨[J]. 胡雅杰,邢志鹏,龚金龙,刘国涛,张洪程,戴其根,霍中洋,许轲,魏海燕,郭保卫,沙安勤,周有炎,罗学超,刘国林. 中国农业科学. 2014(05)
[10]钵苗机插密度对不同类型水稻产量及光合物质生产特性的影响[J]. 朱聪聪,张洪程,郭保卫,曹利强,江峰,葛梦婕,花劲,宋云生,周兴涛,霍中洋,许轲,戴其根,魏海燕,朱大伟. 作物学报. 2014(01)