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发布时间:2022-08-08 15:46
  佛手果(Citrus medica L.var.sarcodactylis Swingle)是芸香科的食药两用植物,在中国已有几百年的历史。由于它含有多种生物活性物质,与改善健康状况和降低多种疾病的风险相关,许多研究也已经证实佛手果在抗癌、抗氧化、抗菌、消炎和降血糖等方面起着非常重要的作用,因此佛手果是一种潜在的功能性食品资源。鉴于此,本研究分几个阶段进行设计和实验研究,以便找到一种合适的方法来提取和利用这些生物活性物质。具体如下:第一部分,对佛手果的果皮和果肉的营养成分、挥发性化合物和酚类抗氧化性化合物进行了测定和分析。除含水量、碳水化合物和热量外,佛手果皮的营养性、挥发性化合物和酚类抗氧化剂含量显著高于果肉。佛手果皮中的吡哆醇、硫胺素、核黄素、铜和铁含量较高,而果肉中的硫胺素和吡哆醇含量较高。通过气质联用技术分析表明佛手果实、果皮和果肉分别含有153,113和101种挥发性化合物。此外,100g的佛手果对推荐的人体日营养摄入量(RDI)有显著贡献。这些结果证实了佛手果实可作为一种有益健康的化合物的潜在用途。水提取结果表明,佛手果皮和果肉中酚类化合物总量分别为227.45和88.76... 

【文章页数】:141 页


List of Abbreviations
CHAPTER ONE General Introduction and Literature Review
    1.2.Edible Plant Parts and Uses
    1.3.Bioactive Compounds
        1.3.1.Essential oils of Foshou fruit
        1.3.2.Flavonoids of Foshou fruit
        1.3.3.Coumarins of Foshou fruit
        1.3.4.Phenolic Acids of Foshou fruit
        1.3.5.Others bioactive compounds
    1.4.Foshou fruit Functional benefits
        1.4.1.Anti-helmintic Activity
        1.4.2.Anti-cancer Activity
        1.4.3.Anti-dyspepsia Activity
        1.4.4.Anti-inflammatory Activity
        1.4.5.Anti-microbial Activity
        1.4.6.Antioxidant Activity
        1.4.7.Hypoglycaemic Activity
    1.5.Traditional Chinese Medicine Uses of Foshou fruit
    1.6.Toxicity Data and Safety Evaluation
    1.7.Principles of Green Extraction
        1.7.1.Ultrasonic-microwave assisted extraction(UMAE)as green extraction technique
        1.7.2.Water as a green solvent
    1.8.Modeling and optimization the green extraction process
    1.9.Principles of Solid-phase extraction
    1.10.Principles of Thin-layer chromatography
    1.11.Principles of Microencapsulation
        1.11.1.Microencapsulation process reasons
        1.11.2.Carrier agent characteristics
        1.11.3.Encapsulation procedure
        1.11.4.Encapsulation yield(powder recovery)
        1.11.6.Carrier agent for encapsulation
        1.11.7.Principles of spray dryer
    1.12.Bioavailability of bioactive compounds
    1.13.Significant of the research
        1.14.1.Main objective
        1.14.2.Specific objectives
CHAPTER TWO Analysis of nutrients,volatile substances and antioxidant of Foshou fruit
    2.2.Materials and Methods
        2.2.1.Foshou fruits(plant materials)
        2.2.2.Nutritional composition analysis of Foshou fruits
        2.2.3.Analysis mono-and disaccharide of Foshou fruits
        2.2.4.Analysis the amino acid of Foshou fruits
        2.2.5.Analysis the mineral of Foshou fruits
        2.2.6.Analysis the water-soluble vitamins of Foshou fruits
        2.2.7.Analysis the volatile compounds of Foshou fruits
        2.2.8.Determination of antioxidant properties of Foshou fruits
        2.2.9.Statistical analysis
    2.3.Results and discussion
        2.3.1.Moisture content
        2.3.2.Ash content
        2.3.6.Volatile compounds
        2.3.7.Antioxidant properties
CHAPTER THREE Preparation of Foshou fruit extract and detection of the phenolic compounds
    3.2.Materials and methods
        3.2.2.Fruit preparation
        3.2.3.Ultrasonic/microwave equipment
        3.2.4.TPC extraction procedures
        3.2.5.Experimental design
        3.2.6.Analytical methods
        3.2.7.Solid Phase Extraction
        3.2.8.Thin Layer Chromatography
        3.2.9.UPLC-PDA-Q-TOF-MS analysis
        3.2.10.Statistical analysis
    3.3.Results and discussions
        3.3.1.Single-factor experiments
        3.3.2.Modeling of UMAE
        3.3.3.Investigation of the UMAE,MAE,and CSE effects on the yield of TPC
        3.3.4.Antioxidant activity determination by DPPH·-SA assay
        3.3.5.Antioxidant capacity determination by ABTS·+-SE assay
        3.3.6.Solid Phase Extraction
        3.3.7.Thin Layer Chromatography
CHAPTER FOUR Study on microencapsulation of Foshou fruit bioactive substances using the spray drying technology
    4.2.Materials and methods
        4.2.1.Raw materials and chemicals
        4.2.4.Powder analysis
        4.2.5.Statistical analysis
    4.3.Results and discussion
        4.3.1.Encapsulation yield
        4.3.2.Moisture content
        4.3.3.Water activity(aw)
        4.3.5.Bulk density
        4.3.6.Tapped density
        4.3.7.Particle density
        4.3.13.Particle size analysis
        4.3.14.Thermal analysis
        4.3.15.Crystallinity(X-ray diffraction)
        4.3.16.Scanning electron microscopy(SEM)
        4.3.17.Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FT-IR)
CHAPTER FIVE Development effervescent tablets of Foshou fruit and evaluation of bioactive substances bioavailability
    5.2.Materials and methods
        5.2.1.Raw material and chemicals
        5.2.3.Analysis methods
        5.2.4.Statistical analysis
    5.3.Results and discussion
        5.3.1.Bulk density
        5.3.2.Tapped density
        5.3.3.Particle density
        5.3.4.Carr's index
        5.3.5.Hausner ratio
        5.3.7.Tablet Moisture
        5.3.8.Tablet Density
        5.3.9.Tablet Porosity
        5.3.10.Disintegration time
        5.3.11 Correlation the tablets ingredients properties
        5.3.12.Total phenolic compound(TPC)
        5.3.13.Antioxidant activity by DPPH·?SA assay
        5.3.14.Extractability factor for phenolic compounds
        5.3.15.Extractability factor for antioxidant activity
        5.3.16.Bioavailability index the phenolic compounds
        5.3.17.Bioavailability index the antioxidant activity
CHAPTER SIX General Conclusions and Recommendations
    6.1.General conclusions
    6.2.Key innovations
List of Publications

[1]Identification of phytochemical compounds in Calophyllum inophyllum leaves[J]. David Febrilliant Susanto,Hakun Wirawasista Aparamarta,Arief Widjaja,Setiyo Gunawan.  Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. 2017(09)
[2]川佛手化学成分研究(Ⅱ)[J]. 崔红花,高幼衡,蔡鸿飞,魏志雄,梁盛林,何巧君.  中药新药与临床药理. 2009(04)
[3]川佛手化学成分研究(Ⅰ)[J]. 崔红花,高幼衡,梁盛林,蔡鸿飞,魏志雄.  中草药. 2007(09)
[4]4种佛手挥发油化学成分的研究[J]. 金晓玲,徐丽珊,施潇,陈彩娟,王琼.  中国药学杂志. 2002(10)




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