本文关键词: 制造业 生产性服务业 外部化 内部化 出处:《改革与战略》2016年11期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The relationship between manufacturing and producer services is a process of dynamic evolution. The degree of internalization and externalization affects the relationship between manufacturing and producer services. Market competition and interest demand urge enterprises to constantly adjust their production decisions according to environmental conditions. Seeking to take full advantage of the positive and negative effects of externalization and internalization. Manufacturing and producer services have undergone a process of externalization, internalization, pan-internalization, and, to the extent of externalization and internalization, This paper divides the evolution of the relationship between manufacturing and producer services into five stages and five corresponding relationships, and analyzes the internal mechanism of the evolution of the relationship between the two. The key to promote the process of externalization of manufacturing industry is to reduce transaction costs; The key to promoting the externalization of the service industry, which is based on producer services, is to further liberalize the service market, lower the threshold of entry, promote fair competition, and promote the synergistic development of manufacturing and service industries, and the key is to promote service-oriented manufacturing. The key to accelerate the development of producer service industry is to develop manufacturing oriented information technology services, innovate business models and new business patterns, and realize seamless docking with manufacturing enterprises. To enhance the support capacity of the service industry to the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry.
【作者单位】: 河南工程学院外语学院;中国社会科学院研究生院;
【正文快照】: 制造业与生产性服务业的关系是学术界研究的焦点之一。现有文献主要从供需视角阐述两者之间相互依赖、相互作用的互动关系,如需求遵从论、供给主导论、互动论和融合论等(顾乃华等,2006)。两者的关系绝对不是静态的、简单的主次关系,而是随经济发展动态演进的关系。在复杂经济
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