本文选题:烟草机械零配件 + 采购 ; 参考:《昆明理工大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the social division of labor more and more refined, specialization, the enterprise can not only rely on its own resources to maintain its development, potential alone. Through the use of various resources to optimize the allocation of enterprises, improve the level of production and management, reduce procurement costs, enhance channel control, expand the competitive advantage, excellent supplier management is very important. The supplier management is the core part of the excellent enterprise purchasing link, and is the essential foundation stone in the development and the expansion process of the enterprise. At the same time, it can not do without the contribution of excellent suppliers to its development, excellent supplier management performance, also can bring the enterprise excellent product performance. It can even be said that behind the development of an excellent enterprise, must be accompanied by excellent supplier management. With the continuous improvement of the standardized purchasing process in the tobacco industry in recent years, according to the requirements of open bidding and purchasing of tobacco machine spare parts "should be recruited, the real recruitment", a good platform has been set up for the healthy and reasonable competition of spare parts suppliers. How to make excellent suppliers better develop, ensure supply, eliminate backwardness, and promote the overall promotion of Yunnan cigarette industry production and development is not only the requirement of bidding and purchasing process, but also how to improve the production and development of Yunnan cigarette industry. There is also a need to develop and evaluate suppliers prior to the procurement process, to ensure supplier quality assurance in the production process, to maintain the supplier's service level after the procurement process and to progressively improve the control of supplier performance. Let supplier management in the front end of enterprise quality control. Complete supplier management should include supplier sourcing, supplier certification evaluation, supplier selection, supplier relationship management, supplier review and supplier development. According to the management function of Yunnan Zhongyan material (Group) Co., Ltd, this paper mainly analyzes the process of certification and evaluation of supplier management of tobacco machine parts in Yunnan Zhongyan industry, and illustrates the two processes of supplier relationship management and supplier development. The process of sourcing and supplier selection undertaken by cigarette Group is not discussed in this paper. As the author has long been engaged in the management of tobacco machine parts supplier and tobacco machine parts coding management, this paper briefly describes the history and present situation of tobacco machinery parts supplier management in Yunnan Zhongyan industry. Based on the analysis of the importance of supplier management of cigarette machine parts in Yunnan Zhongyan industry, Q.C.D.S. Combined with transaction cost economics and strategic purchasing theory, this paper puts forward the basic ideas of how to strengthen the field inspection, dynamic evaluation and grade evaluation of Yunnan Zhongyan cigarette machine spare parts supplier management. And a brief point of view of supplier development. Combined with the actual management of tobacco machinery parts supplier in Yunnan Zhongyan material Group, this paper provides the theoretical basis and suggestions for the purchase of tobacco machinery parts in Yunnan Zhongyan industry.
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