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发布时间:2018-09-10 11:28
[Abstract]:It is an important content of the national strategy of military and civil integration to promote the deep development of military-civilian integration in national defense industry. The deep development of military-civilian integration in defense industry is a large system of military-civilian compatibility, element convection, open sharing and coordination, including the development of military-civilian integration of defense industrial equipment, scientific research and production, and the development of military-civilian integration between military enterprises and military industry. And national defense industry and national science and technology innovation, national economic construction and harmonious society construction military and civilian integration depth development. The construction and improvement of the development system for the depth of military and civil integration in various fields in the national defense industry and vigorously promoting the deep development of the integration of the military and the people in the various fields of the national defense industry will help speed up the development of the integration of the military and the people with Chinese characteristics, and promote the building of national defense and the armed forces and Economic, social and other construction coordinated and interactive development, to achieve "rich countries and strong armed forces unified."
【作者单位】: 南京政治学院马克思主义学院;


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