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发布时间:2014-09-01 08:41

摘 要



After the reform and opening up, China's market economy has been to maintain the pace of development of high growth rate, the family enterprises in promoting China's economic growth, narrowing the gap between urban and rural, to solve the employment problem of society, maintain social stability, improving the income level of residents, plays an important role in promoting the harmonious development. A large number of family enterprise in China, its tentacles extending to the outside of the monopoly industry in almost all other industries. Can be expected with the opening of China's market economy and the in-depth development, family enterprises in the economic structure in China will take a growing share of. The rise and fall of the enterprise is directly related to the rise and fall of the country, the government and academia of our research on the development of family enterprise pay more and more attention. If a scientific and rational enterprise governance structure will directly affect the development of quality and development efficiency of enterprises, this paper studies both in practice to improve the level of management of Chinese family enterprises, improve the enterprise competitiveness in the market, or the theory of active exploration, and has very high value and significance.

The family business is not as people imagine is about to be knocked out of the market behind the organization form, family in the world five hundred strong enterprises occupy a space for one person still, family enterprise is also with the development of society and constantly improve its governance structure. Generally speaking, family run enterprises at the initial stage of small and beautiful structure flexible, have obvious advantages, but with the family enterprise development to a certain scale, the congenital gene family has become a constraint to further develop their deep-seated reason strong.
The opinion of this paper is the enterprise property right is not clear, the equity is unreasonable are the main problems of Chinese family enterprise. The separation of corporate ownership and management, ownership structure, diversification is an inevitable choice for enterprise development. This study shows that, a lot of crisis of our family business in development with corporate governance structure is not perfect has the very big relations. The problems of family enterprise will exist for a long time, the family enterprises to become bigger and stronger, to break through the limitation of family business governance structure, clear the property right of enterprise, optimize the equity structure, the establishment of long-term incentive mechanism, the introduction of occupation managers, standardize enterprise management etc.. These solutions has only one aim is to promote the smooth transition of governance structure of family enterprises in China, to help the family business to the long-term healthy development.
This paper mainly from the principal-agent theory, stakeholder theory, social capital theory and corporate governance theory, summarizes the defects, in corporate governance problems in our family enterprise and solutions, and the use of the FOTILE group of family business case to explain. This paper mainly adopts comparative analysis method and case analysis method, document retrieval, inspiration is based on a great quantity of related literature and previous research achievements on the theory, combined with case analysis, promulgates our country family enterprises need urgently to be solved problems in the governance structure, and promote the reform, corporate governance structure to promote the innovation of the governance structure of the necessity, importance and value.
The content of this paper is divided into six parts, as follows:
The first part, introduction: introduce the research background of this topic, research significance, research methods, research literature review.
The second part, introduces the family enterprise and enterprise governance structure theory, the definition of governance structure definition, characteristics of the family firms and companies are given, and the corporate governance theory is common, principal outlined agent theory, stakeholder theory, social capital theory, corporate governance theory.
The third part, introduces the situation of the family business in ourcountry, and from the vagueness of property right of enterprises, equity is unreasonable, the lack of long-term incentive system, the system is not perfect occupation managers, enterprise management is not standard, the relevant legal system is not sound a few aspects of analysis of enterprise governance structure problems.

The fourth part, the problems of corporate governance in our country are analyzed in-depth, and relationship, from the clear property rights of enterprises to optimize the ownership structure, the establishment of long-term incentive mechanism, improve the modern occupation manager system, strengthen internal constraint management, perfect the laws and regulations and so on will also gives corresponding solution countermeasures.
The fifth part, by using the FOTILE family enterprise case, comparative governance through pre treatment and improve each other too group after the situation, the corporate governance experience of family enterprises.
The sixth part, conclusion: summarized the main points of this article, and pointed out the problems that the possible existence of.

目    录

第一章  引言 1
第一节  研究的背景 1
第二节  研究的意义 1
第三节  研究的方法 2
第四节  国内外研究概述 2
一、国外研究概述 2
二、国内研究概述 4
三、国内外研究比较 4
第二章  家族企业及企业治理结构理论介绍 6
第一节  家族企业的定义及特征 6
第二节  企业的治理结构的定义 7
第三节  家族企业治理结构的理论概述 7
一、委托-代理理论 7
二、利益相关理论 8
三、资本社会化理论 9
四、法人治理理论 9
第三章 家族企业治理的现状概述及问题分析 11
第一节  家族企业治理结构现状概述 11
第二节  家族企业治理结构问题分析 12
一、企业产权模糊,股权设置不合理 12
二、企业缺乏长期有效的激励制度 13
三、企业主与职业经理人间的问题 14
四、企业管理不正规,家长作风严重 15
五、与企业相关的法律法规不完善 16
第四章  家族企业治理问题的原因分析及对策建议 17
第一节  家族企业治理结构问题的原因分析概述 17
第二节  解决家族企业治理结构问题的对策建议 20
一、明确企业产权关系,合理设置股权结构 20
二、建立长期有效的激励制度 21
三、建立及完善现代职业经理人制度 24
四、建立及完善企业内部约束制度 26
五、完善相关的法律法规 27
第五章  方太家族企业治理的案例分析 28
第一节  方太家族企业简介 28
第二节  方太家族企业前期治理状况 29
第三节  方太家族企业治理结构分析 30
第四节  方太家族企业治理经验启示 31
第六章  结论 34
参考文献 35
致  谢 38
个人简历及在学期间发表的研究成果 39

第六章  结论









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