本文选题:共产国际 切入点:中共七大 出处:《党的文献》2015年04期
[Abstract]:Some archival materials on the Seventh CPC National Congress released in recent years show that during the preparations for the Seventh National Congress, the CPC reported to the Comintern on the convening time of the Seventh National Congress, the number of delegates, the generation, composition and requirements of representatives, etc.Comintern also put forward concrete opinions and suggestions, and made important resolutions.There are still some issues worthy of attention in the files of the Seventh National Congress of the CPC, such as the question of the delay of the session, the question of the funding of the Congress, Mao Zemin's proposal for the Seventh CPC National Congress, and the support and guidance of the Communist International for the Seventh Congress of the CPC, and so on.
【作者单位】: 中共中央党史研究室;
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