[Abstract]:Since the 18th National Congress of the Party, the CPC Central Committee, with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, has adhered to the Marxist theory of party building, closely combined with the new era conditions and practical requirements, and vigorously promoted the theory, practice and institutional innovation of managing the party and administering the party. With a new field of vision, it deepens the understanding of the ruling law of the Communist Party, not only promotes the comprehensive and strict administration of the party, but also forms Xi Jinping's new era party building thought. Xi Jinping's thought on party building in the new era is a scientific theoretical system that keeps pace with the times, which embodies a high degree of theoretical logic, historical logic and practical logic. Maintaining the advanced nature and purity of the party is the fundamental problem in the party building, which embodies the high political party consciousness and party confidence that the Marxist political party bravely takes on the historical mission and the tide of the everlasting era. It firmly grasps the clear theme of the party building of running the party in an all-round and strict manner, and embodies the strong political courage and political responsibility of the Marxist political party, which is bold in self-revolution and good at self-forging.
【作者单位】: 国务院侨务办公室;
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