[Abstract]:Under big data's time, the research of quantitative historiography has become a new trend in the research and development of Chinese historiography. The historical characteristics of the CPC history and the predicament of the current research methods of the CPC history suggest that it is necessary to strengthen the connection between the CPC history and the economic history, especially with the quantitative method. Quantitative method is used to describe the history of the Communist Party of China in quantity, and the quantitative study on the relationship between the history of the Communist Party of China and the change of productive forces can promote the scientific research of the history of the Communist Party of China. To promote the development of quantitative party history can not only expand the analytical field of party history research and contribute to the development of party history theory, but also criticize historical nihilism from a theoretical point of view.
【作者单位】: 山西财经大学经济学院;
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