[Abstract]:"how important is luck" has always been an important topic in ethics. Focusing on how to understand the ethical significance and moral weight of luck, there are two discussion modes in the history of ethics: macro and micro. Since the 1970s, the relationship between luck, initiative and consequences has been discussed on the micro level. The importance of the three to moral evaluation has become a hot issue in contemporary ethics. The luck theorists, represented by Williams, argue that the truth and disturbance of luck should be acknowledged, and that moral evaluation should be restricted to pure initiative. In view of this, three opposing positions, namely consequence theory, moderate motivation theory and radical motivation theory, are put forward from their respective angles. Their fundamental difference is that in the face of the moral structure of "initiative, luck and consequence," the four interpret the different factors as the most important (or the only important) basis for evaluation. However, in order to maintain the consistency of the theory, opponents ignore or even castrate the true moral experience. In contrast, the introduction and recognition of the importance of luck is the recognition of the limitation of human beings and the complexity of the world, which urges us to rethink the nature of moral knowledge and moral life.
【作者单位】: 中央编译局中国现实问题研究中心;
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