[Abstract]:Zeng's style of writing can be clearly inherited, thanks to several generations of Zengs personal education and Zeng Guofan's summary and summary. The unique connotation of Zeng's family style is based on diligence and thrift, reading and reading family, and filial piety and friends as the basis, which is the reason why the Zen family keeps the family from generation to generation and makes future generations of talented people come out in large numbers. It provides us with the ideological guidance and the behavior guide for our impetuous modern society, enlightens the people: to cultivate the industrious practical spirit, to be in the prosperous sense of suffering, to attach importance to our work, and to have no distraction. As well as the courage to take on the entity consciousness and the people with open mind.
【作者单位】: 泰山学院思想政治教育学院;
【基金】:国家社科基金重大项目(14ZDB007) 山东高校思想政治教育研究专项课题(J14SY60)
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