发布时间:2018-04-11 09:24
本文选题:人格 + 应付方式 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2003年博士论文
【摘要】: 近几十年来,在世界范围内,女性犯罪以前所未有的速度逐年递增,女性犯罪造成的社会危害也日益严重。然而,历史上由于男性占据犯罪领域的主体地位,对女性犯罪的研究极度缺乏,相关学科多以男性犯罪作为研究重点,忽略女性犯罪,或者假设男性犯罪理论对女性犯罪有相同的解释力。鉴于女性犯罪研究严重不足的现状,本研究以心理学、犯罪学等相关学科取得的最新研究成果为基础,建构女性犯罪行为发生的理论模型。研究认为,在人—情境—行为三者相互作用的动态系统中,女性犯罪者特殊的人—情境因素共同作用促发了犯罪行为,女性犯罪者的人—情境—行为系统表现出独特的动态模式。为此,研究选取反映个体总体心理特征的人格和反映个体解决问题特征的应付方式作为人的因素,选取具有正向性质的社会支持和具有负向性质的负面生活事件作为情境因素,揭示这些因素在女性犯罪者的人—情境—行为系统中的作用,从而确立女性犯罪者的人—情境—行为的量化模型。 研究以有效样本为925名的女性违法犯罪者为研究对象,涉及的犯罪类型有涉毒犯罪、盗窃犯罪、暴力犯罪、经济犯罪和诈骗犯罪以及利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪;被收容教育的有卖淫违法行为的卖淫妇女作为参照研究。同时设置有效样本为272名的男性犯罪者作为对照研究,,研究主要采用问卷法,选用的研究工具为:(1)艾森克人格问卷,(2)Carver的COPE量表,(3)肖水源的社会支持量表,(4)自编负面生活事件问卷,分别测量被试的人格、应付方式、社会支持和负面生活事件。研究结果表明,女性犯罪者有独特的人格、应付方式、情境因素特征,分别建立的女性犯罪行为类型和女性犯罪行为深度的子模型吻合本研究建构的女性犯罪行为的理论模型,从而证实了本研究的理论建构。研究获得以下具体结论: 1.女性犯罪者的人格、应付方式、情境因素与男性犯罪者和正常女性都有显著差异,女性各犯罪类型之间在这些因素上也存在显著差异。在人格特征上,女性犯罪者的人格总体上趋向于男性犯罪者的人格特征,显示人格的P(精神质)、E(外内向)、N(神经质)维度的“三高”特征;而涉毒,盗窃、暴力犯罪者的人格的“三高”特征 比其它犯罪类型的女犯更突出。在应付方式上,总体上,女性犯罪 者比男性犯罪者较少采用积极主动的应付方式,也较少采用消极寻 求解脱和寻求社会支持的应付方式;但女性各犯罪类型间的应付方 式存在显著差异。在负面生活事件上,总体上,女性犯罪者经历的 负面生活事件总量多于男性犯罪者;但女性各犯罪类型间经历的负 面生活事件总量有显著差异;在社会支持上,总体上,女性犯罪者 获得的社会支持总量比男性多,但女性各犯罪类型间获得的社会支 持总量存在显著差异。 2.女性犯罪者的人格、应付方式、情境因素对女性选择某种类型犯罪 有不同影响。人格、应付方式、社会支持对女性犯罪者选择犯罪类 型有显著影响,而负面生活事件对女性犯罪者选择犯罪类型没有显 著影响,建立了女性犯罪者的人格、应付方式、社会支持与犯罪行 为类型的子模型。不同犯罪类型的女性犯罪者有不同的LOgistiO回归 模型。 3.女性犯罪者的人格、应付方式、情境因素对女性犯罪行为深度有不 同影响。人格、应付方式、负面生活事件对女性犯罪行为深度有显 著影响,而社会支持对女性犯罪行为深度没有显著影响,建立了人 格、应付方式、负面生活事件与犯罪行为深度的子模型。人格、应 付方式、负面生活事件中的!2个因素对女性犯罪行为深度有不同影 响,它们建立的线性回归方程显著。女性犯罪者犯罪行为深度的回 归方程进入的因素和因素顺序与男性犯罪者的回归方程有差异。女 性各犯罪类型的犯罪行为深度回归方程也存在差异,它们都有不同 的线性回归方程。
[Abstract]:In recent decades , in the world , female crime has been increasing year by year , and the social harm caused by female crime is becoming more and more serious .
The study is based on the effective sample of 925 female offenders , involving drug - related crime , theft of crime , violent crime , economic crime and fraud crime , as well as the use of cults to undermine the law enforcement crime ;
The research results show that female offenders have unique personality , coping styles , social support and negative life events . The results show that female offenders have unique personality , coping styles , social support and negative life events . The results show that female offenders have unique personality , coping styles , social support and negative life events .
1 . The personality , coping style and situational factors of female offenders are significantly different from those of male offenders and normal women . There are also significant differences between the types of female crime . In personality characteristics , the personality of female offenders tends to be the personality characteristics of male offenders , showing the " three high " characteristics of personality P ( mental ) , E ( introversion ) and N ( neuroticism ) ;
The " three high " characteristics of the personality of persons involved in drugs , theft and violent crime
Female offenders are more prominent than other types of crime . In coping styles , women are generally guilty of crime
Compared with male offenders , there are fewer active coping styles than male offenders , and passive homing is used less .
Ways of coping with relief and seeking social support ;
but the coping between the types of female crime
There is a significant difference . In the event of negative life , overall , female offenders have experienced
The total number of negative life events is more than that of male offenders ;
but the negative effect of the type of female crime .
There was a significant difference in the total amount of life events .
In social support , women ' s perpetrators are generally female
The total amount of social support received is much higher than that of men , but the social support available among the types of female crime
There was a significant difference in the total amount .
2 . The personality , coping style and situation factor of female offenders choose a certain type of crime against women
There are different effects , personality , coping styles , social support for female offenders to choose a crime category
There was a significant impact on the type of crime , while negative life events did not show a significant choice of crime types for female offenders
The author has established the personality , coping style , social support and criminal behavior of female offenders .
A sub - model of the type . Female offenders of different types of crime have different LOgistiO regression
Model .
3 . The female perpetrator ' s personality , coping style and situation factor have no influence on the female criminal behavior .
The same effect . Personality , coping style , negative life events have obvious effect on women ' s criminal behavior
The influence of social support has no significant influence on the female criminal behavior , and the establishment of the person
A sub - model of coping styles , negative life events , and depth of criminal behavior . Personality .
Pay - down , negative life events ! Two factors have different depths on women ' s criminal behavior .
In response , the linear regression equation established by them is significant .
The factors and factors entering into the equation are different from that of male offenders .
There are also differences in the depth regression equations of the crimes of each type of crime . They are different .
and the linear regression equation of the linear regression equation .
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