本文关键词: 养老旅游目的地 全域旅游 发展路径 出处:《改革与战略》2017年05期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:There is a lack of policies and regulations in the construction of tourism destinations for the aged, difficulties in raising funds for development, and lack of professional personnel and services. The paper analyzes the impact of global tourism mode on the development of pension tourism destination. It is believed that the construction of pension tourism destination can take the road of market-oriented industry development on the basis of government support: through optimizing the top-level design, innovating the tourism investment and financing system, and determining the standards of the old-age tourism related industries, etc. To realize the development of pension tourism destination from regional tourism products to regional pension leisure system, regional pension tourism destination level development, and finally form the pension tourism real estate development, industrial chain integration, urbanization and upgrading of the superposition.
【作者单位】: 上海师范大学旅游学院;
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