发布时间:2018-03-29 05:20
本文选题:备倭 切入点:反腐 出处:《山东师范大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:汤和(1326-1395),明朝开国功勋之一。他从公元1352年参加红巾军开始,南征北战十余年,明朝建立后,他又以开国元勋的身份如履薄冰的生活了27年。所以,汤和是元末农民大起义到明初(明洪武二十七年)这段历史时期的重要见证者。这个时期大大小小的事件他都经历或者见证过。无论对于我们研究明初中央集权制度的必要性还是其具体政策,都有着举足轻重的作用。汤和的一生可以如此概述:洞若观火、急流勇退、防微杜渐、如履薄冰。而汤和人生中的重大事件皆与朱元璋中央集权政策都密不可分。 洪武十六年(1383)汤和受朱元璋之命到沿海备倭,他筑起了59座城,用以抵御倭寇与《武备志》中记载的朱元璋修建海堡是相吻合的,因此汤和备倭可以说是明太祖朱元璋海防建设的一个缩影,其中不难看出,由于建立伊始,国内外诸事未定,明朝的统治根基还不是非常的稳固,所以对于荼毒中国沿海地区的倭寇问题,明朝廷只能放弃主动出击,消灭敌人而采取守势。以不变应万变。 洪武二十一年(1388)老迈的朱元璋疑心甚重,,不希望军权长期把持在武将手中,汤和洞察出了朱元璋的本意,于是主动提出致仕,朱元璋听后十分高兴,立刻命官府在中都修建府宅,并赐予汤和许多财物。但是其他的开国功臣们却没有汤和这样的远见,贪恋权位惨遭屠戮。 汤和还乡之后约束子孙家奴,规范行为,对待邻里的态度和蔼。他清楚,朱元璋没有放松对自己的监视,所以他每天都是饮酒享乐,从不与官员打交道,完全一副富贵翁之态,因而让朱元璋很放心。显示出他在集权专制统治下有谋略的一面。 中国历史上对待贪腐问题制裁最为严厉的是朱元璋。这位出身于社会最底层的人对世间人情冷暖有着最深刻的了解。在他登基之后,曾多次告诫属下:“天下初定,百姓财力俱困,譬如初飞之鸟,不可拔其羽,新植之木,不可摇其根,要在安养生息之”尽管朱元璋把话说得如此明白了,但是以身试法的官员仍层出不穷,为了遏止贪腐,朱元璋一改“刑新国用轻典”的做法,而是把惩治贪官作为国家头等大事,大开杀戒,令当时的官场为之一空。觉察出朱元璋本意的汤和从不贪恋赏赐,每次获得皇帝的赏赐,都会把大部分分给乡亲。给别人的第一印象就是汤和这个人不贪财,或者表面看上去不怎么贪财。朱元璋企图通过严酷的法律,来澄清当时昏聩的吏治,达到净化官场的目的,扶助民生,努力发展社会生产,缩小贫富差距,从而最大程度的缓和当时的社会矛盾。 洪武元年(1368)至洪武三十一年(1398),朱元璋以缓和社会矛盾为出发点,实施了诸如严惩贪官、整饬吏治、保障民生、发展生产等对国家有益的政策。这一时期内国家也向着良好方向发展。但是,朱元璋执政晚期,刚愎自用、残忍暴戾,为巩固其集权统治,不惜兴起党狱,大肆屠戮勋臣,“胡蓝党案”牵扯甚多,最终造成“明初勋臣为之一空的局面”,幸存的功臣也惶惶不可终日。“时京官每旦入朝,必与妻子诀,及暮无事,则相庆以为又活一日”。 明朝上层社会弥漫着恐怖的气氛。朱元璋为了加强皇权,胡惟庸案后毅然废除了在中国存在了两千多年的丞相制度,将相权收归己有,但由于失去宰相的辅佐,政府的办事效率普遍较低,致使到了永乐朝能采用内阁制度,也造成了后来“内阁”主政的局面,以至于权利皆把持于宰辅手中。使后来的权臣和宦官专权现象迭起,导致明末民乱纷起。这些都给后人留下了深刻的警示。
[Abstract]:And (1326-1395), one of the founding feats. He participated in the 1352 ad from the red turban army began more than ten years of civil war, and after the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, he was very careful to the identity of the a founding father of a country for 27 years of life. So, is the yuan soup and the peasants' uprising at the end to the beginning of Ming Dynasty (twenty-seven years Ming Hongwu) an important witness of this period are large and small events during this period. He has experienced or witnessed. Both for the necessity of our research in the early Ming Dynasty centralization system and its specific policy has played a significant role. And life can be so very clear-sighted, overview: jiliuyongtui, and major events. Check erroneous ideas at the outset, very careful in life with Zhu Yuanzhang and centralization the policy are inseparable.
Hongwu sixteen years (1383) and by Zhu Yuanzhang in the life to the coastal Beiwo, he built 59 cities, with Zhu Yuanzhang recorded against the pirates and < > fort built Wubei Zhi is consistent, and therefore Beiwo can be said to be a microcosm of Ming Zhu Yuanzhang coastal construction, it is not difficult to see in the beginning of the establishment, at home and abroad are uncertain, the rule of the Ming Dynasty foundation is not very stable, so the problem has Chinese coastal pirates, the court can only give up the initiative, and destroy the enemy on the defensive. Maintaining the status quo.
Hongwu twenty-one years (1388) old Zhu Yuanzhang paranoid, do not want long-term control in the hands of military generals, and insight into Zhu Yuanzhang's intention, then offered to retirement, Zhu Yuanzhang was very glad to hear that the authorities have built immediately. In the house, and gave the soup and many belongings. But the other founding hero who but no such foresight and slaughter, eager for power.
After returning the descendants of slaves and constraints, regulate behavior, treat the neighborhood affable. He knew that Zhu Yuanzhang did not relax to own surveillance, so every day he is drinking pleasure, and never deal with the officials, completely a pair of rich Weng state, so let Zhu Yuanzhang very heart. Show him in centralized strategy under the autocratic rule.
Chinese history treat corruption the most severe sanctions. This is Zhu Yuanzhang from the bottom of the society in the world has the most profound understanding of Men's feelings are changeable.. On his accession to the throne, had repeatedly warned: "under the world initially, people are trapped in financial, such as the early bird fly, can not pull the plume, the new plant trees, can not shake the root, to live in a nursing home." although Zhu Yuanzhang speaks so clearly, but officials still defy the law to emerge in an endless stream, curbing corruption, Zhu Yuanzhang changed the "new country with a light punishment code" approach, but to punish corrupt officials as a national priority, open at the time of the killing, that is one of the official empty. Noticing Zhu Yuanzhang will never love soup and reward, each time you get the emperor's reward, will put to most folks. Give people the first impression is that this person and not greedy, or seemingly not How greedy. Zhu Yuanzhang attempted to pass harsh laws to clarify that incompetent officials, to purify the officialdom to support the people's livelihood, to the development of social production, narrowing the gap between rich and poor, to the greatest extent to ease social conflicts at that time.
Hongwu (1368) to the Hongwu thirty-one years (1398), Zhu Yuanzhang to ease the social contradictions as the starting point, the implementation of such as punish corrupt officials, local administrative, protect people's livelihood, the development of production policies beneficial to the country. In this period the country towards a good direction. However, Zhu Yuanzhang's late self-willed cruel, violent, in order to consolidate its reign, the rise of the party at the prison, decimating Xun Chen, "Hu blue party case involved many, resulting in" Ming Xun Chen is one of the empty situation, surviving in a constant state of anxiety. "When the hero is in every once in Korea, will be with his wife and tactic, twilight no matter is Qing thought and day."
The upper society filled with terror. Zhu Yuanzhang in order to strengthen the imperial power, after the Hu Weiyong case in China resolutely abolished the existence of more than two thousand years of prime minister system, the rights reverted to have, but because of the loss of the prime minister's help, government efficiency is generally low, resulting in the Yongle to the cabinet system, also caused the later, the "cabinet" ruled the situation, so that all rights to control saisuke hands. The right and the eunuch Chen repeatedly phenomenon later, leading to the civil disturbances flared up. All these have left a profound lesson.
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