本文选题:中美新型大国关系 + 国际共生论 ; 参考:《国际展望》2017年01期
[Abstract]:Since the second decade of the 21st century, the international symbiosis theory has risen in Chinese academic circles and become a new growing point of Chinese social science theory.It is of great theoretical and practical significance to use the international symbiosis theory to probe into the construction of a new type of great power relationship between China and the United States.In the era of globalization, in which the international system is increasingly symbiotic, the traditional relations of great powers characterized by alliance and confrontation have gradually lost their rationality, and it is an inevitable choice between great countries to follow the road of new type of great power relations.At present, the establishment of a new-style large-power relationship between China and the United States has some favorable conditions, but also faces many constraints.China and the United States in economic and trade, global governance and other areas of symbiosis.However, the two sides are still in a non-symbiotic state in the field of political security, and there are many contradictions and conflicts.The two sides have yet to form a comprehensive and sufficiently close symbiotic relationship.In the current international system, the realistic logic of traditional great power relations still dominates, and a mature symbiotic international system has not yet been fully formed.Therefore, the establishment of a new type of large-power relationship requires a long-term, complex evolution of the international system.In the course of this evolution, China should not be a negative waiting person, but should be an active "actor" to promote a new type of great power relationship between China and the United States to become a reality at an early date.
【作者单位】: 中共中央党校;中原工学院;
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