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发布时间:2018-05-04 16:39

  本文选题:福州市 + 人口老龄化 ; 参考:《福建农林大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Entering the 21 st century, pension has become a realistic problem that China cannot escape. The report of the 18th National people's Congress stressed that "focusing on meeting the basic needs of the elderly for the aged, we should speed up the socialization, professionalization and standardization of old-age care services, and improve them to suit the aging process of our city's population." The social pension service system, which is in harmony with the level of economic and social development. " The State Council issued a document entitled "some opinions on accelerating the Development of the Endowment Service Industry", pointing out that China's elderly population is already the first in the world and is growing at a rate of 3- 4 percent a year. It is estimated that China's elderly population will reach 300 million by 2025. China faces the danger of entering an aging society. As a result, a series of social and economic problems have affected the economic and social development of Fuzhou and China in the next 50 years. This research takes the private pension service institutions in Fuzhou as the research object, takes the demand hierarchy theory and the public product theory as the theoretical foundation, takes the literature method, the induction method, the analytic hierarchy process as the research method. This paper establishes the evaluation system and fuzzy evaluation model of private pension service institutions in Fuzhou, and evaluates the private pension service institutions in Fuzhou by comprehensive use of field investigation data. Through empirical research, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) in the external environment, the biggest problem facing the old apartment of Jinpu is the policy environment. In Fuzhou, Fujian and the state, most of the laws and regulations on private pension service institutions are opinions and regulations, without a complete, systematic law to maintain and promote the orderly development of private pension service institutions. The main problems faced by Jinpu apartment are financial problems, personnel problems, management and service level. On the financial issue, excessive dependence on financial subsidies, can not use reasonable operation to obtain sufficient profits; in the personnel issue, nursing workers are old, low educational background, need the government and private pension service organizations to work together to get out of the predicament; In terms of management and service level, the current positioning can no longer meet the current demand for old-age care services. The Jinpu apartment for the elderly needs to change its orientation and adjust its services in order to achieve greater development.) based on the analysis of the current situation of pension service institutions in Fuzhou, Referring to the evaluation results of Jinpu apartment for the elderly, the paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to perfect the private pension service institutions in Fuzhou: first, to formulate laws and regulations and perfect the policy environment; second, to define the orientation of the institutions and increase their professionalism; third, Fourth, the government and institutions make joint efforts to get out of the plight of nursing staff.


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