本文选题:中国发展模式 + 价值判断标准 ; 参考:《理论视野》2017年01期
[Abstract]:China's development model has the inner value system leading and constructing the logic of growth, its occurrence, the evolution process of development and the comprehensive and deep correlation of value. In the process of production and construction, it adheres to and follows the value judgment criteria of practical truth, development center, people's main body, socialism, market economy, etc. In order to understand the efficacy and quality of the developed Chinese development model objectively and accurately, we should adhere to the value evaluation standard of using objective neutral, comparing and distinguishing, combining historical evaluation with moral evaluation. In order to improve and innovate the Chinese development model which is not perfect at present, it is necessary to establish the value optimization standard in three aspects: philosophy, science and technology. The selection mechanism of the triple value standard "value judgment-value evaluation-value optimization", which is the growth and evolution of China's development model, can better understand and grasp its constructive logic, be right or wrong and develop in the future.
【作者单位】: 山东大学哲学与社会发展学院;
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