[Abstract]:The relationship between government and society is the core variable that affects the basic level governance structure. Urban community consultation is a process in which multiple stakeholders play games with each other, negotiate rationally, seek consensus and pursue good governance in the community. The emerging urban community negotiation innovation has put forward more new demands on the relationship between government and society under the new situation, and has provided a new historical opportunity for reshaping the relationship between the government and the society. In this paper, as an important explanatory variable, from the perspective of experience, this paper draws out the typical case of urban community negotiation innovation practice in the "Ten innovative achievements and nominated achievements of Community Governance in China" in 2013-2015. By using the method of "multi-case-content" comparative analysis, this paper analyzes the samples, emphasizes on exploring the value of classification and enlightenment of these successful practices, and constructs a kind of consultation between the party and the masses, a cooperative consultation between the government and the society, and an equal dialogue between the government and the masses. There are four classical models of community consultation practice, such as community precision consultation, and the experience of different urban community consultation practices is different. This paper outlines the optimization strategy and development trend of practice innovation of urban community consultation under the guidance of interaction between government and society in the future, in order to provide some useful experience and inspiration for the further promotion of urban community consultation.
【作者单位】: 华中师范大学政治与国际关系学院;
【基金】:2012年度国家社会科学基金项目“科学发展观视域下构建城乡社会和谐稳定管理机制研究”(12BKS041) 民政部2016年委托项目“城乡社区协商特点比较研究” 2015年度国家社会科学基金项目“社区、社会组织、社工在基层社会治理创新中的协同机制研究”(15CSH026)
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