[Abstract]:ASEAN's important geo-strategic position is endowed with important strategic value by its increasing international influence. Since the founding of ASEAN, the United States and ASEAN have gradually established and developed diplomatic relations. During the Cold War, the United States' policy towards ASEAN was subordinate to the overall diplomatic strategy of the United States fighting for hegemony with the Soviet Union. After the end of the Cold War, the United States constantly adjusted its foreign policy towards ASEAN out of the consideration of national interests. This paper mainly expounds and analyzes the ASEAN policy of Clinton administration and Obama administration. The first chapter briefly reviews the history of American policy toward ASEAN. The second chapter discusses the evolution process of the Clinton administration, the Bush administration and the Obama administration toward ASEAN, and then summarizes the main characteristics of the United States' ASEAN policy. The process of increasingly paying attention to and gradually enriching in an all-round way has shown different strategic emphasis in different periods. Secondly, in the way of realizing its interests, the United States has also experienced economic soft power towards ASEAN. The change of military hard power and flexible use of "skillful power". The third chapter analyzes the main reasons why the American policy towards ASEAN presents the above characteristics from two aspects: American domestic factor and international factor. Chapter four assesses the China factor in the current American policy towards ASEAN. The conclusion points out that the ASEAN policy of the United States always revolves around one goal and two clues. One goal is that the main goal of the United States' policy towards ASEAN is to actively shape the regional order conducive to the realization of the national interests of the United States. The first is that the United States takes different strategic emphasis on ASEAN under different international and domestic circumstances, and the second indicates that with the increase and decline of hegemonic power, the United States adopts different ways to realize the interests of ASEAN. The author thinks that the current ASEAN policy of the United States is not to contain China, but the two sides have low intensity and the contradiction or competition in a small range is inevitable.
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