[Abstract]:This paper analyzes the influence of land circulation on the way of care for the elderly in rural China. Overall, the situation of care for the elderly in rural China is not optimistic, more than 20% of the elderly in need of care are left unattended. Land circulation, children going out to work, economic poverty and the alienation of intergenerational relations will significantly reduce the possibility of rural elderly family care. Land transfer, employment of children, intergenerational relationship intertwined and interactively affected the care style of the elderly in rural areas, but the mutual promotion of land circulation and economic income had no significant effect on the care style of the elderly. The possibility of social care for the elderly was significantly higher when all children worked in agriculture or intergenerational relations were alienated. Field research data also show that many rural areas have been exploring the "land-based pension" social pension model.
【作者单位】: 华北电力大学工商管理博士后流动站;
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