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发布时间:2018-09-06 19:12
[Abstract]:The theory of community and community governance originated in western countries. With the development of economic system reform and political system reform of our country, community construction began to rise gradually in our country at the end of last century. At present, the research of community theory in our country is not perfect, and there are some immature places in community governance, which is the practical problem of social management in our country. China has put forward the strategic goal of building a harmonious society, and on this basis, the small goal of community construction is equal to the big goal of social construction. Our country is in the transition period, the social situation is complex, the contradiction question is many, the citizen consciousness strengthens gradually, the old neighborhood committee management mode can no longer adapt to the modern society development need. With the further deepening and development of reform and opening up, the government of our country has desalinated the relevant rights and formed the mode of managing the community jointly with the government through the development of the community itself. Therefore, the management mode of the community presents a variety of development changes. According to the contents and standards of establishing a harmonious society, community management should adhere to the people-oriented policy, take the construction of harmonious community as the goal, improve the residents' community consciousness, cultivate their good community culture, and increase the construction of public infrastructure. In order to maintain the harmony and stability of the community small society, to make contributions to the big society. This paper discusses in detail the contents of the new community development in Shuangliu County with the title of the case study on the governance of the new type of community in Shuangliu County. The first part is the introduction part, from the questions raised, domestic and foreign research comments, research ideas and research methods, research significance, theoretical analysis. The second part is the domestic community governance model description, the third part is the Shuangliu new community "three" governance case description, from the Shuangliu county social management situation brief, Shuangliu county to carry out the new type community governance basic condition, The present situation of Shuangliu County community is introduced in detail from three aspects: new community governance in Shuangliu County. The fourth part is the "democratic management" of Shuangliu's new-type community governance mode, the fifth part "market-oriented management", the sixth part "citizen cultivation" factor analysis, from its specific content introduction and analysis. The achievements and shortcomings, prospect analysis and countermeasures are described. The seventh part is the enlightenment of cases. The eighth part is the conclusion part, which summarizes the case study of Shuangliu new community.


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