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发布时间:2018-11-11 10:04
[Abstract]:As an important milestone in the history of feudal supervision system in China, the supervision system of Tang Dynasty is very complete. Both the establishment of its personnel and the division of powers and responsibilities, including the formulation of various supervisory laws and regulations, had reached a very high level at that time. The supervision system of Tang Dynasty mainly consists of central supervision system and local supervision system. Its central supervisory system mainly includes the supervisory system of the imperial court, the system of remonstrating officials and the system of rebuttal of officials. The local supervision system mainly includes the imperial history inspection system, the stabbing history system and the recording of the army. As the core supervisory organ of Tang Dynasty, the imperial court is mainly responsible for the supervision and picket of the imperial government. Remonstrating officials mainly through the way of admonition to ensure that the emperor made the right decision. The rebuttal officials were mainly responsible for reviewing the imperial edict and the princes, and rejected the improper edict and entrapment. Looking back at the whole history of China, the Tang Dynasty can be said to be a peak period in the history of China's development. Especially the supervision system of Tang Dynasty played a pivotal role in the development of supervision system in China. The supervisory system of the Tang Dynasty, as an integral part of the feudal supervision system of our country, had a profound influence on the development of the supervision system of our country, and occupied a very important position in the history of the development of the feudal supervision system of our country. Through the study of the supervisory system of Tang Dynasty, we can draw a lot of useful enlightenment, such as avoiding the excessive concentration of supervisory power, ensuring the effective supervision of the highest power of the state and ensuring the relative independence of supervisory departments, and so on. To our country's political reform has the important enlightenment significance.


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